
Chapter 39: Candace Owens States Kamala Harris is MKULTRA

CHAPTER 39, SAT NOV 2, 2024 CANDACE OWENS STATED ON ALEX JONES SHOW THAT SHE BELIEVES THAT KAMALA HARRIS IS AN MKULTRA MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE BETA SEX SLAVE.   I agree with Candace.  Why? Because I was trained as a child to be a beta sex slave.  In adulthood when I realized who I was and the program that I was in, I went on a journey to understand why, as a child my memories were a series of abject erasures.     I was raised with a father and a mother, and three other children.  Two older brothers and an older sister. I remember asking my mother, Millie, why there were no photos of me in the family album as a baby.  She said she got tired of taking pictures.  I don’t believe that is what happened.     My “family” kept secrets from me.  I found out at 17 after I left and moved in with my boyfriend Durrell, who as 13 years older than me, that my mother was gay, and that the woman who helped raise me, who I called my Aunt, was...