
Showing posts from November, 2020

NEW Chapter 27: CIA Rose McGowan; Jennifer Syme Blood Sacrifice; Ted Gunderson rises from the Grave Just in time for Halloween

Chapter 27: CIA Rose McGowan; Jennifer Syme Hollywood Sacrifice; Ted Gunderson Rises from the grave just in time for Halloween updated Nov 25, 2020 Another trip down the multitudes of rabbit holes, some are new, and some are old, which I keep revisiting in my attempt to illuminate myself and revisit my research, refining it.  Maybe someday, down one of these rabbit holes, my evil brother John, Joseph Mengele’s son and protege, who resides in the DUMBS (holes) will actually be dragged out of his hole and tried and arrested for his crimes against humanity.  At this present time, I do not see ANY of his evil retinue of Illuminati rock stars, comedians, actors, CEO’s, Presidents, Vatican cronies or CFR buddies, going to jail.   ROSE MCGOWAN On September 4, 2019, Rose McGowan posted intriguing intel alluding to the fact that she was CIA.  I foolishly believed that she was actually going to tell us some truth about Hollywood, but I was wrong. Same old bait and switch. In ...