MKULTRA: Making of a Manchurian Candidate, Oswald
MKULTRA: Making of a Manchurian candidate Assassin, Sex Slave, Super psy spy My conjectures. Why Lee Harvey Oswald? Lee Harvey Oswald was an MKULTRA, a Manchurian candidate. Lee was born October 18, 1939, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died November 24, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. Lee was shot by Jack Ruby, while Oswald was in police custody. Jack Leon Ruby, aka Jacob Leon Rubenstein, was a Jewish mobster born in Chicago, a CIA operative and club owner. As a child, Ruby, like Oswald, was in many foster homes, enabling the Military to enlist him in the MKULTRA program. Ruby also was former military. Lee’s father died two months before his birth. As an infant Lee was sent to an orphanage along with his two older brothers. He was conscripted into the MKULTRA program as a baby. He was trained as an MKULTRA to be a sex slave and to be compliant. He was trained to be an assassin, a “Manchurian candidate”, assas...