MKULTRA: Making of a Manchurian Candidate, Oswald

MKULTRA: Making of a Manchurian candidate
Assassin, Sex Slave, Super psy spy
My conjectures.

Why Lee Harvey Oswald?

Lee Harvey Oswald was an MKULTRA, a Manchurian candidate.  Lee was born October 18, 1939, in New Orleans, Louisiana.  He died November 24, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.  Lee was shot by Jack Ruby, while Oswald was in police custody.  

Jack Leon Ruby, aka Jacob Leon Rubenstein, was a Jewish mobster born in Chicago, a CIA operative and club owner.  As a child, Ruby,  like Oswald, was in many foster homes, enabling the Military to enlist him in the MKULTRA program. Ruby also was former military. 

Lee’s father died two months before his birth.  As an infant Lee was sent to an orphanage along with his two older brothers.  He was conscripted into the MKULTRA program as a baby.  He was trained as an MKULTRA to be a sex slave and to be compliant.  He was trained to be an assassin, a “Manchurian candidate”, assassin of Presidents, as well as a covert CIA operative skilled in espionage. 

Lee Oswald didn’t just fit the bill, he was made “into” the bill.  Lee was right, he was a patsy.   Even though Lee did not actually “kill” the president, he was selected, trained and framed for the job from childhood.  His future was planned before his birth.  

After Lee’s military training as a baby in the MKULTRA program, Lee joined the Marines and purportedly later defected to the Soviet Union.  That statement in and of itself is a juxtaposition. Marines are the most hardcore dedicated servicemen in our armed forces.  To think that Lee would have ever “defected” after being a Marine, is a complete fallacy.  He was a patriot.  He was ordered to go to the Soviet Union undercover.  He believed that it was for the good fo the country and that he was to disseminate information and receive training from the Russians to further his career as a CIA operative.  He did in fact receive further training in Russia.  Additionally he was also subject to further mind control experiments, where he was genetically experimented on, tortured, and further enhanced with implants under MKULTRA.  The Soviets were the leaders in Mind Control.  

I was trained in New York under Stella Adler.  She advertised herself as an Acting Teacher, but she was in fact, an expertly trained mind control expert and CIA operative.  Stella and Lee Strasberg were disciples of Constantin Stanislavsky, a Russian mind-control. expert. Constantin was the founder of the Moscow Art Theatre (MAT).  For over 40 years he worked meticulously with the top minds in the world developing Russian Mind Control, which he presented to the world as “The System” as it was known in Russia and as “The Method” or “Method Acting” in America.  He had a wealthy family and knew many of the elite.  He garnered their support.  Additionally he worked with Lenin.

The “System” that Stanislavsky developed under the auspices of “an acting method” was a system to infiltrate the mind and control it through real life scenarios in the theatre, as well as the theatre of life.  He worked with top doctors and scientists Internationally to develop a system for mind infiltration utilizing torture, hypnosis, sexual abuse, and terror.  He worked hand in hand in conjunction with Japan, who developed the Manchurian candidate Program; synonymous with MKULTRA.

Lee was accused of assassinating JFK, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.  He did not.  Two days later, Jack Ruby murdered Oswald while he was in police custody.  Jack Ruby then died of cancer, January 3, 1967, in a Dallas hospital shortly after the Texas Court of Appeals had overturned his death sentence for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald; meaning he was free to talk about the murder if he so chose.  

Lee Harvey Oswald was involved with Dr. Mary Sherman and David Ferrie in the CIA covert Operations Artichoke and Mongoose.  One of the goals of these operations was to weaponize viruses and cancer to kill our enemies.  David Ferrie died February 2, 1967 of cancer, less than two weeks after Jim Garrison, the New Orleans District Attorney’s story broke about Clay Shaws indictment for the murder of JFK.  David Ferrie was a main witness.  

The fact that David Ferrie was involved in weaponizing cancer, and then died of cancer, and that Ruby died of cancer, leads to the inevitable conclusion that the cancer was weaponized and was utilized in the deaths of Ferrie and Ruby.  Dr. Mary Sherman, on the other hand, suffered a different fate.

Dr. Mary Sherman was born in Evanston, Illinois, April 21, 1913 and she was murdered July 21, 1964 in New Orleans, Louisiana.  She was slashed with a knife and set on fire.


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