CHAPTER 14: Heather O'Rourke, Satanic Demise of Hollywoods children

Chapter 14

The death of Heather O’Rourke

Satanic Demise of Hollywood’s Children


My evil brother John, who is deep state CIA, Satanist, is twinned with Satanist Michael Aquino. He is a Hollywood entertainment director producer (known to Satanic Freemason illuminati as the Black Pope) and as such, was directly involved with Heather O’Rourke’s death, as were all the directors, actors, authorities and doctors who took part in the cover up of the Satanic ritual abuse, rapes and her subsequent death.


Heather was born in Santee, San Diego. My now dead CIA husband's father Donald VanHooser, was a Deputy sheriff for Santee, and his son Sam, who I married, worked for his dad in Santee. Sam also was an EMT and he worked Pine Valley, and then became an officer for Carlsbad PD; 


Anita Grover, Sams ex wife claimed that Don had molested Daniel, Sams son, in the mid 90s. At the time, I defended Don, because I was under MKULTRA, and had no idea who I was, or who I had been given to. Now, after four years of research, I know the truth. 


The VanHooser family were and are Satanists aka “fake christians” who are not christians at all. They are attenders of fake mega churches whose leaders are freemason Satanists who work for the shadow government. These leaders make money off of the name of Jesus. Religion is a side show, show business. You give me your money and control over your life and I will tell you what to wear, who to marry, where to spend your money, how to walk, talk and speak, who to vote for, and who to worship. Their GOD is not JESUS, it is BAAL, Muloch, money, power, control. They also participate in the satanic sacrifices.


Heather O’Rourke was born to be sacrificed; Her family lived in Santee, California, where she was born. Her mother divorced and married Jim Peele and they moved to Anaheim, living in a trailer park, 15 min from my evil brother Johns CIA office; 


John is a director producer and my biological brother.  We are both from the Joseph Mengele family; The name he carries is not who he is. So I refer to him as John Mengele. John looks like Joseph, except he is taller. I look like Irene Mengele, who married Joseph. My murdered brother David looked like Rolf, their son.  John knows the who’s who of Hollywood; that is because he is head of MKULTRA and Joseph Mengele’s prodigy.


Heather’s sister Tammy introduced Heather to Steven Spielberg when she was working on set for Pennies from Heaven. The song Pennies from Heaven was a direct reference to me. I looked a lot like Heather when I was a baby. I was born blonde, and as I grew older my hair grew into a dark blonde shade. When I became older, I had my blonde locks shorn by my mother, who was a Hitler, a nurse, and an MKULTRA handler. She routinely shaved my head in the basement, every summer and Christmas, so I would be mocked as a boy, until I reached high school. 


When I was at North Miami Beach Senior high school, I was enrolled in acting classes and musical theatre. Sandy Stein was a jazz pianist with a roman nose. Sandy was also my sister's name. Sandy sung a rendition of Pennies from Heaven to me. It was entitled “Bennies from Heaven.” 

It begins a long time ago a second Lt. named Spears; Thats a reference to Albert Speers, Hitlers Architect; I lived with his son, Durrell for five years;


Here’s the song:


A long time ago a second lieutenant named Spears

Returned to the States after staying overseas three years

His wife said, "Welcome home, Dear

"but since you've been gone, you see

"we've been blessed with a darling baby

"and a cute little one is he"


She took the baby in her arms

and said, "Benny is his name"

He said, "I've been gone away for years

"Darling, won't you please explain

"so I won't be so down

"tell me where did little Benny come from?"


And everytime he asked she'd say

"Benny's from Heaven"

His face got red

Still she repeatedly said

"Benny's from Heaven"


He says, "I've asked the neighbors

"that come around.

"No one seems to remember

"Benny coming down"


Now he said, "About a little thing like this

"I ordinarily would not bother

"But, Baby, what little I know about children

"I know they gotta have fathers

"And when I look at little Benny

"I can plainly see

"Benny must be from Heaven

"'cause he damned sure ain't from me!"


Bennies are also benzedrines which are used to drug us. Babies without fathers is an interesting line. My fake father, Paul said he married his cousin Billie and when he came back from Germany, a war hero, she was pregnant. He knew the baby was not his. He subsequently divorced her. 


At least that’s the way the story goes. In the Pennies from Heaven song, I believe they are talking about experiments of cloning and in vitro fertilization which had been successful long before my birth. This was Otmar Verschuer’s specialty. He was the world renowned Eugenics expert.  He was also Joseph Mengele’s mentor. 


Here’s Wiki’s bio excerpt on Otmar:

Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer (16 July 1896 – 8 August 1969) was a German human biologist and geneticist, who was the Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Münster until he retired in 1965. A member of the Dutch noble Verschuer family, his title Freiherr is often translated as baron.


He was regarded as a pioneer in the twin methodology of genetics research and in the study of the inheritance of diseases and anomalies.[1] A eugenicist with an interest in racial hygiene, he was an advocate of compulsory sterilization programs in the first half of the 20th century.[2][3] Among his many students was Josef Mengele.


Heather's O’Rourke’s family used her and her money to live on. They bought property in Satanic big bear with her money. Durrell, Albert Speers son, took me to Big Bear, many times. Whatever was done to me there I can’t remember as I was repeatedly erased. I know that I was hunted by Ann Hamilton Byrne in the Catskills.  Durrell asked me when I went to his house in December of 2016 through Feb of 2017, one of his many residences, this one in Arizona, if I remembered the Catskills trip.  I said I remembered having a drink in front of the fireplace but the weekend was lost to me.  That’s because Durrell drugged my food  and my drink and then hunt me in the tunnels.  Children are hunted at Castles and hunting lodges, in tunnels and on grounds that no one can see you at.  Ann Hamilton Byrne was the cult called the “family”.  She was in Australia.  She opened a ranch in the Catskills in 1978-79, when I was here attending NYU.  Durrell came and got me from the house I was staying at, which was my “fake” aunt’s cousin’s house.  Lynn was not a fake aunt.  She was a member of the Mengele clan.

In regards to Big Bear, I do remember riding horses in the snow and a cabin. Again, I remember the fireplace.  The fireplaces in big lodges are also passageways that lead to underground tunnels.  The fire is also used to hypnotize you with a code word.  It also helps when they drug your food. I now know Durrell loves hunting children.  His motto was “get them young and train them.”  He said he met Julie after we broke up.  I was with Durrell for five years, engaged, but never married.  Two more years and it would have been common law.   Durrell never stopped screwing other women.  He never stopped raping young girls.  He married Julie two months after we broke up.  She was two years younger than I was, and Durrell was 13 years older than me, so he was 15 years older than Julie.  

I had, as a memento from one Big Bear trip, retrieved a log from the horse riding Big Bear excursion, which I kept with me for almost 40 years. I used it as a doorstop. Now I know that Big Bear also has children hunts and lots Satanic ceremonies, high in the mountains. The Satanic Minister that married me to my first husband Steve had a wedding venue there. I was probably also married in a Satanic ceremony to Durrell there, probably by the same minister that married me to Steve. John told me on the phone in Branson “everyone knows everything Penny.”  Everyone in the Satanic High Illuminati realm knows everyone else.  Everyone knew everything but me.

When I was at Durrells I sang a country song by Trisha Yearwood. “Everybody Knows” Everybody knows, everybody knows, everybody knows what to do about my misery, everybody but me.  Every body knew everything but MKULTRA erased Agent X:11, me.


All child actors are Satanically ritually abused

It is a generational family abuse system as well as the “key” to attaining success in Hollywood.


The Poltergeist movies became known for the  "Poltergeist curse".  Three or four cast members died of mysterious circumstances – the most shocking death was Heather O'Rourke’s.  Heather played Carol Anne in all three Poltergeist films. My baptismal name, which I kept, is Ann.  The name Heather is an English name, it means a flowering Evergreen plant.  I sang Evergreen by Barbara Streisand.  She is an MKULTRA handler.  I used to refer to her as my “mentor” because she was most assuredly at these Satanic gatherings and a handler of mine.  I knew her entire portfolio, I sang like her.  So much so that at a wedding in Laguna Beach I sang Evergreen for the Bride and she said I was wondering when you were going to stop the tape to start the ceremony.  I said, that was me singing.  My brother David told his friends I was Barbara Streisand’s backup singer, which I thought was an odd statement to make.  I thought at the time he was lying, now I do not.  My niece also told me that I told her I sang with En Vogue in Miami before they became famous.  I do not remember telling her that, but I know I would not lie about something like that.  Streisand is on a comprehensive map which provides a list of MKULTRA sex trafficking stars.  Evergreen is a code word.  Just like Barbara’s song Memories, a song utilized to mock us because the CIA and “elite” erase our memories.

There is a concise map with links that take you to videos of the perps and their connections to Satanic cults and sex trafficking orgs.  Tom Hanks is listed as giving $10K, Streisand $10K, Spielberg $10K, Geffins records is listed.  I read a bio on Geffin when I arrived in Chicago after leaving my husband.  I was also studying psychopaths.  I wondered why he showed up at the Palm Desert Marriott where my band Stinger was performing in the nightclub “Costas”.  He tried to interrupt a performance and asked me to ask my band to perform a song for him.  I told him we were in the middle of a show which I could not alter and he said “Do you know who I am?”  I said “I don’t actually care who you are, you are being quite rude.”

I also contacted Penny Muck, who worked for Geffin, when I read that she had sued one of her managers at Geffin records.  I thought there are no coincidences that her name is Penny.  She had said in the article that she did not have any complaints regarding David Geffin himself.  Everyone knows he was a complete psychopath and gay.  I asked her if she knew John.  Penny is now in real estate after leaving the record business.  She indicated she might know him but did not actually say she did.  I sensed she was fearful about repercussions.  I told her to follow me on twitter, but one never knows the minds of those who are still in service of Satanic Hollywood.

Here is the link to that comprehensive map:

Heather also worked on set of Happy Days with Satanist “the fontz” Henry Winkler who stated in one interview that Heather had committed suicide and/or that her father abused her. What an epic lie. Winkler was a pall bearer at Heather’s funeral.  Winklers BFF was and is Satanist Freemason Ron Howard who directed Tom Hanks In the Da Vinci Code, an Illuminatii code book by CIA Freemason Dan Brown.  Tom is Opus Dei, meaning a leader for the Vaticans assassins.  His character in the Da Vinci code was a brilliant cypherist for the Vatican.  Tom is also named in the above interactive map. Tom was additionally named as a pedo by the late Isaac Kappy who was targetted by Hanks in his instagram photos depicting a glove on Route 66 where Kappy was suicided aka murdered.  MKULTRA Sara Ashcroft had been calling out Hanks for quite sometime.  She said her father sold her to Hanks when she was a child. 

Winkler knew and knows all the studio executives and he knew the “official lie” quite well. He knew Heather very well as Heather played a character Heather Pfister in Happy Days. So why put the “suicide” story out there.  Unless, he meant to intimate that she cut her own throat by saying she was going to “tell” on the industry.


Heres an article on the “curse”, of the Poltergeist Series, which I actually believe were curses of the SRA perpetrated upon the children and the result of a series of Satanic coverups to these events:

“A reboot of the classic 1982 horror film Poltergeist came out in 2015, but let's be honest: nothing could compare to the original. While no horrific accidents occurred on the set of the new film (that we know of, anyway), there are plenty of rumors of a curse on the original film trilogy's cast. The movie revolves around a suburban family who move into a new home and begin to notice strange things surrounding their young daughter. Take a look below to find out about the mysterious events that have made people speculate that Poltergeist may be the most cursed franchise in Hollywood.


The Whole Ordeal Began With Human Skeletons

One of the most famous scenes features JoBeth Williams's character, Diane, falling into the family's pool, and it's filled with skeletons. You might not know that those skeletons are actually real — the actors sure didn't. "In my innocence and naiveté, I assumed that these were not real skeletons," Williams said in an interview for TV Land (below). "I assumed that they were prop skeletons made out of plastic or rubber . . . I found out, as did the crew, that they were using real skeletons, because it's far too expensive to make fake skeletons out of rubber."


Months After the Release of the First Film, a Star Was Murdered

Poltergeist was released in June 1982, and in November of that year, 22-year-old Dominique Dunne, who played Dana (the family's older daughter), was murdered. Dunne was brutally strangled in her own driveway by her abusive ex-boyfriend and was removed from life support five days later.?”

Dominique was strangled October 30, by her ex-boyfriend John (no mistake there right John Mengele) Thomas Sweeney.  Sweeney Todd was a musical about a murdering barber that slit peoples throats in his barber chair and sent their bodies down a chute to his girlfriend who made pies out of the bodies.  October 31 is the highest Satanic day of the year.  Satanic rituals can take place three days before and three days after a holiday.

Dominique was strangled in the driveway of her West Hollywood home located at 8723 Rangley Avenue, West Hollywood. California.  She lived 8 minutes, 2.0 miles from the Chateau Mormont, the Satanic Sacrifice venue on Sacrifice row, where John Belushi was murdered and 5 minutes .9 miles from the Viper Room, where Johnny Depp murdered River Phoenix October 31, 1993. 

She went into a coma from which she never regained consciousness.  She died November 4, 1982. She was born November 23, 1959 in Santa Monica, California.  I was one year older than her.  She died 19 days before her 23rd birthday.  November 4 was my now dead CIA Satanist husband Sam’s birthday.  A coven member’s birthday is the highest Satanic day of the year.  Sam was born Michael Timothy VanHooser November 4, 1954.  He changed his name to Sam, as in the demon Samiel.  Sam told me his parents named him after a psychopath.  I said no, they named you after the Arch Angel Michael.  I was wrong.  They did name him after a psychopath, Michael Angelo Aquino.  Dominque Dunn was 22 when she died.  I was born August 11, 1958.  11+ 11 = 22. 

Dominiques god parents were Maria Cooper Janis, the daughter of actors Gary Cooper and Veronica “Rocky” Cooper.  She met John Thomas Sweeney, a sous chef at Ma Madison (Mason) at a party in 1981.  Sweeny Todd was crazy and baked people in pies.  John Thomas Sweeney was a chef and crazy, possessed with evil demons.

Dominique was taken to Cedars Sinai Hospital, where actor George Hamilton was there visiting his brother in ICU.  My murdered brother David’s girlfriend Princetta Adams, now Princetta Ross, had his baby at Cedars Sinai Hospital.  She named the baby David, after my brother and then two weeks later decided to change his name to Nicolas.  I remember David saying she was talking about naming the baby Rudolf, because we thought it was odd she would name the baby after a reindeer.  Instead she named it after St. Nicolas, Santa Claus, Satan Claws.  Rudolf is Joseph Mengele’s middle name.  Hence, Joseph named his son Rolf, also an aka for Adolf.  David looked like Rolf.


What is a Poltergeist

I remember when my fake Aunt Lynn, who was actually my real family member and was my mother’s lover, worked for a souvenir company called Tropicana.  She came home and started telling us that they had a poltergeist at work that was throwing boxes all over the place and generally causing havoc at work.  I believe I may have been that poltergeist.  A poltergeist is defined as a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects thrown around.  

The are known for pinching, biting, hitting, tripping people, leveraging of objects such as furniture and making noises such as knocking on doors.  There are described as “troublesome” spirits who haunt a particular person instead of a specific location. So attachment of demonic entities.  The word poltergeist is German.  It comes from  comes from polter, to make sound and rumble and Geist, ghost and spirits.

While many debunk the manifestations Alla Kardec, founder of Spiritism stated that poltergeists are manifestation of disembodied spirits of the low level, belonging to the sixth class of the third order, closely associated with the elements, fire, water, air, earth.  This definition indicates here are  lower dimensional level entities, which do exist and also uses the word “order” as in entity classifications, which links with the demonic entities and shadow figures who are asking for a New World Order.  The demonic entities are in a militarized hierarchy.

Carl Jung believed that the trance states could engender an exteriorzation of the subconscious mind.  Carl and Sigmund Freud (fraud) were both heavy cocaine addicts.

Poltergeist the Movie Deaths Continued:

An Exorcism Was Performed on the Set of the Sequel

Concerned about the use of real skeletons on the set of the first film, Native American actor and Poltergeist II: The Other Side star Will Sampson performed an exorcism on the set of the second film in 1984. According to Williams, he went to the set late at night by himself to do it. The next day, the cast supposedly felt relieved.  In June 1987, Will Sampson, the actor who performed the exorcism, died of malnutrition and postoperative kidney failure at age 53. While their deaths may not seem so unusual, some fans still believe they're connected to the curse.

Will Sampson played the Indian shaman in Poltergeist II. Remember the housing complexes were built on Indian burial grounds.  He played a character named Taylor.  My Satanic dad lived in North Carolina.  The Taylor’s (Taylor’sville) are known Satanists.  Will was also in One Flew Over the Cukoo Nest, a MKULTRA movie about how the insane MKULTRA CIA doctors are in charge of the hospitals and drugging people into compliance.


One Cast Member Barely Escaped Death

Richard Lawson was aboard USAir Flight 405 when it crashed into Flushing Bay in March 1992. A total of 27 people (out of the 51 on board) were killed. Lawson survived, but the event is yet another reason people claim the movie is cursed.


Richard Lawsons flight 405 originated from Jacksonville Florida and landed in snow at La Guardia airport an hour and six minutes late.  58 passengers filed off the plane and collected their luggage. I was born in 1958.  Five others joined 42 people at gates B1 to continue on to Cleveland. Two hours later it lay in crumpled pieces in Flushing Bay.  It crashed on takeoff.  27 of 51 people died, including the pilot. 24 people survived.

The Captain was Wally Majure.  Force Majure means unforseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract in legal terms.  It also means irresistible compulsion or greater force. Majure fiancé was Beth Stevens.  My aunt changed her last name to Stevens.  The Flight was ready for boarding at 8:15 (I was born in 1958).  The plane was a Fokker F28, my maiden name was Fortner, also Spelling divergences Fortin, Faulkner, Folker, Fokker.   Bob Spear sat behind Richard Lawson.  I lived with Albert Speer’s son.  My uncle was uncle Richard, he is a Mengele.

The plane had two de-icings and sat on the runway for an hour.  Majure did not ask for a third de-icing.  As the entered the air, a wing caught on fire; the passengers caught on fire.  The plane broke apart and slammed into an embankment and piece of it flew into Flushing Bay.  18 people drowned.  Lawson had been assigned seat 6D but an attendant moved him to first class.  All four passengers in first class survived.

In 2009, a Cast Member Was Brutally Murdered

Lou Perryman played the small role of Pugsley in the original film. He was 67 years old when a recently released ex-convict killed him in his own home with an ax.



Lou Perryman aka Lou Perry was born August 15, 1941 in Cooke Country Texas. He died April 1, 2009 in Austin Texas.  He was in the Blues Brothers (John Baluchi sacrificed) Poltergeist (Heather O’ourke andDominque Dunn sacrificed) Boy’s Don’t Cry and the Chainsaw Massacrew 1 (a crew member) and Chainsaw Mascacre II.

The Perryman name is man of the Perry, as in Steve Perry Journey and MKULTRA Katie Perry (both artists who my evil brother John represents).  Lou Perry was involved in the production and as an actor for Satanic occultist movies. Perryman was murdered in his Austin home on April 1, (April fools day, 19 days before Hitler’s birthday) by a 26 year old man named Seth Christopher Tatum.  Seth is a name for SET, Michael Aquino formed the Temple of SET because he said Satan told him he WAS SET.  Aquino was involved in the establishment of Church of Satan with Anton LaVey. Tatum means bringer of joy.  Seth, Christ, bringer of Joy, murdered Perryman with an ax.

More on Heather

Heather was moved back to Lakeside, San Diego.  She lived approximately 18 min from where I moved to in 1992.  She lived 13 minutes from David Jeremiahs satanic Shadow Mountain venue; She died at Rady Children’s hospital in San Diego.  The doctors lied about what happened to Heather.  The doctors at Childrens Hospital, Scripps Clinic and Kaiser Permanente hospitals misdiagnosed, drugged me and tried to kill me for 24 years.


Heather died on Feb 1, 1988.  The numbers 88 are used in gang tattooes.  H is the 8th letter of the Alphabet, it means Heil Hitler.

Danielle VanDam, Satanic Sacrifice Sabre Springs, CA

City of the Dammed

Feb 1, 2002- Feb 2, 2002 I was booked for a gig at Dads in Poway in a band called Mr Red Shoes.  I did not know what Red Shoes meant- or who I even was then.


I have already written about this in another chapter, but for those of you who haven’t read it, I will reiterate it here.  Dads was a Satanic venue and I performed as the Female lead singer for Mr. Red Shoes with a John Locklear.  Brenda VanDam was Danielles mother and David Westerfield was her neighbor and Danielle’s murderer.  Brenda had a open marriage.  She and David danced together before Brenda gave her daughter to Westerfield to be sodomized raped and strangled and a snuff film made; 


Brenda and David leave Dads after closing on 02.02.2002.  Brenda gets home to her husband Damon (Damien in the Omen is Satan, Damon, is Demon) Brenda arrives home at 2 am. 02.02.2020 at 02 202 202 202.  I spent 17 years at 1255 N.E. 202 street.  John was born 1955.


Her body was dumped 13 miles from my Freemason Satanist Pastor, David Jeremiahs venue, Shadow Mountain.


Here is the WIKI account:

On the evening of Friday, February 1, 2002, Danielle van Dam's mother Brenda and two girlfriends went out to a bar, called Dad's, in Poway. 


Danielle's father, Damon, stayed at home with Danielle and her two brothers. Damon put Danielle to bed around 10:30 p.m., and she fell asleep. Damon also slept until his wife returned home at around 2:00 a.m. with four of her friends. Brenda noticed a light on the home's security alarm system was flashing, and discovered that the side door to the garage was open.[4] The six chatted for approximately half an hour then Brenda's friends went home. 


Damon and Brenda went to sleep believing that their daughter was sleeping in her room. About an hour later, Damon awoke and noticed that an alarm light was flashing. He found the sliding glass door leading to the back yard open, so he closed it. The next morning, Danielle was missing, and her parents called the police at 9:39 a.m.


Danielle became the subject of search efforts, with hundreds of volunteers searching deserts, highways and remote areas for weeks. The Laura Recovery Center assisted in organizing the search, and a Danielle Recovery Center was set up in a real estate office in Poway to coordinate the searching.[5] Finally, on February 27, two searchers found her nude, partially decomposed body near a trail in Dehesa, California, an unincorporated town east of San Diego. Some searchers had decided to search the Dehesa Road area, near the trail, after detectives discovered traces of Danielle's blood in David Westerfield's motor home, because Dehesa Road was a possible route Westerfield could have taken to get to the desert.[5] Because of the condition of the body, the coroner was unable to determine the cause of death or whether she was sexually assaulted, and had to use dental records to confirm her identity.[6][7]

Daniel was found 02.27.2002.  She was 7. Westerfield was 66 (666).  

The Venue

Dads in Poway was owned by Stan Kaminski.  (Stan aka Satan).  Stan had changed the name of the venue many times. I was called by a Poway resident who wanted to know if I may have a clue as to what happened to her friend who was murdered, stabbed 32 times, and found in the land adjacent to the venue.  I said it may have something to do with the land, like maybe it was ancient Indian burial ground.  She said, that Dads used to be called the Totum Pole when her friend was found dead there.  


Kaminiski was a Hitler Brigaide.  Stan Kaminski from Dads, looked an awful lot like Bronislave Vladislavovich Kaminski.

Here’s the WIKI on Kaminski Brigade, also known as R.O.N.A.

RONIN was a 1998 spy thriller Robert DeNiro starred in.

S.S. Sturmbrigade R.O.N.A. (also known as the Kaminski Brigade) was a collaborationist formation composed of Soviet nationals from the territory of the Lokot Autonomy in Axis-occupied areas of the RSFSR in the Soviet Union during the German–Soviet War of 1941−45.[1]

S.S. Sturmbrigade R.O.N.A.
commanders of the R.O.N.A. during Warsaw Uprising
Commanding officers of the S.S. Sturmbrigade R.O.N.A. during the destruction of the Polish capital in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. Centre, Major Ivan Denisovich

First appearing in late 1941 as auxiliary police, the unit initially numbered 200 personnel. By mid-1943 its size had increased to 10,000-12,000 men, equipped with captured Soviet tanks and artillery.[1]Bronislav Kaminski, the unit's leader, named it the Russian National Liberation Army (RussianРусская освободительная народная армия (РОНА)romanizedRusskaya Osvoboditelnaya Narodnaya Armiya, (RONA)).

After the Wehrmacht lost (August 1943) the Battle of Kursk, RONA personnel retreated to the territory of Byelorussia, especially to the Lepel area of Vitebsk, where they became involved in German security operations, committing numerous atrocities against the civilian population. In March 1944 the unit was briefly renamed to Volksheer-Brigade Kaminski (Militia Brigade Kaminski), before being absorbed into the Waffen-SS in June 1944.

With its transfer to the Waffen-SS, the brigade was renamed to Waffen-Sturm-Brigade RONA, and Kaminski gained the rank of Waffen-Brigadeführer der SS (the only man with such a rank). After Operation Bagration (June to August 1944), the RONA retreated further west, and by the end of July 1944, the remains of the Kaminski unit (3 to 4 thousand—some sources estimate 6 to 7 thousand) assembled at the SS training camp Neuhammer. On the base of the Kaminski unit, SS leaders planned to form an SS Division – 29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (russische Nr. 1).

However, the Warsaw Uprising began on the same day as Himmler's signing of an order for the establishment of the division (1 August 1944). The division formation was never implemented and part of the RONA Brigade was sent to Warsaw, where the unit again became involved in committing numerous atrocities. On 18 August 1944 Bronislav Kaminski was killed. According to different sources, either an SS court found him guilty[citation needed] or the German Gestapo simply executed him outright.[citation needed]

By August 27, 1944, having found the brigade too undisciplined and unreliable, the German commanders removed it from Warsaw. The unit was sent to Slovakia, and deployed against Slovak partisans. After the end of October 1944 the brigade was disbanded[by whom?] and the remaining personnel absorbed into General Andrey Vlasov's Russian Liberation Army.

Heres the WIKI: 

Bronislav Vladislavovich Kaminski(RussianБронисла́в Владисла́вович Ками́нский, 16 June 1899 – 28 August 1944) was a Russian anti-communistcollaborationist[1][2] and the commander of the S.S. Sturmbrigade R.O.N.A. (also known as Kaminski Brigade and earlier as the Russian National Liberation Army - Russkaya Osvoboditelnaya Narodnaya Armiya, RONA), an anti-partisan formation made up of people from the so-called Lokot Autonomy territory in the Nazi Germany occupied areas of Russia, which was later incorporated into the Waffen-SSas the S.S. Sturmbrigade R.O.N.A..[3] Older publications mistakenly give his first name as Mieczyslaw.

In June 1944, the brigade was absorbed as a part of the Waffen-SS and renamed Waffen-Sturm-Brigade RONA, with Kaminski being given the rank of Waffen-Brigadeführer der SS, the only man with such rank.

In 1944 Kaminsky took part in the crushing of the Warsaw Uprising, in the Ochota area, where R.O.N.A. committed many war crimes (murder, rape and robbery). According to respected views, the soldiers committed almost 700 murders though numbering only 1% of German forces at the time of the Warsaw uprising.[14] Kaminski thought himself to have direct authority from the SS commander Heinrich Himmlerand he did not want to accept orders from general SS Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, who was in charge of German forces in Warsaw.[15]

The Warsaw Uprising began 1 August 1944. On 4 August 1944, a combat-ready regiment of the brigade was ordered to assist in crushing the rebellion. SS-Gruppenführer Heinz Reinefarth was placed in charge of Kampfgruppe Reinfarth, a pacification unit which consisted of the Kaminski along with the Dirlewanger and several other Ordnungspolizei and SS rear area units. Hitler personally requested Kaminski's assistance, and the latter obliged by gathering a task force of 1,700 unmarried men and sending them (some sources mentioned that they had four T-34 tanks, one SU-76 and few artillery pieces) to Warsaw as a mixed regiment under field command of Kaminski's brigade chief-of-staff, SS-Sturmbannführer Yuri Frolov. Later in 1945 Frolov stated that the regiment had up to 1,600 men and 7 artillery pieces and 4 mortars.

Frolov noted in 1944 that Kaminski gave his men permission to loot:[16] and many did. Kaminski's brigade soon lost any combat worthiness and Kaminski himself focused entirely on collecting valuables stolen from civilian homes.[17] Perhaps 10,000 residents of Warsaw were killed in the Ochota massacre, most murdered by Kaminski's men.[18]

As the result of Operation Bagration, the anti-partisan activities of the brigade were halted and its personnel (6 -7 thousand persons - some sources give 3-4 thousand) was collected at the SS training camp Neuhammer. Plans were made for a non-German SS Division, and the structure was laid down for the 29.Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (russische Nr.1). On August 1, 1944 Kaminski received a new rank - Waffen-Brigadeführer and Major-General of the Waffen-SS.

Henirich Himmler used the Warsaw group as a pretext for having Kaminski and his leadership executed after trial by court martial in Litzmannstadt (Łódź). They were tried for stealing the property of the Reich, as the stolen property was to have been delivered to Himmler, but Kaminski and his men had attempted to keep it for themselves.[19]Also executed with Kaminski was brigade chief-of-staff Waffen-Obersturmbannführer Ilya Shavykin.

The men of R.O.N.A. were given the false explanation that Kaminski had been killed by Polish partisans. When Kaminski's men rejected this explanation, the Gestapo took Kaminski's car, pushed it into a ditch, shot it up with a machine gun, and smeared goose blood all over it, as evidence. The demoralized unit was soon moved out of town and stationed to the north, far from any partisan activity.[20]

The death of Kaminski and the unreliability of his troops as a combat unit brought the plans to expand the Kaminski Brigade to a division to an end. After Kaminski's death, his unit was placed under the command of SS-Brigadeführer and Generalmajor der Polizei Christoph Diehm.

Let’s just say, Kaminski was secreted into the United States.


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