CHAPTER 17: Hive Mind, AI- We See Thru Your Eyes



Hive mind & AI control is real. The CIA uses DNA targeting thru resonant frequency of the mind. John and Durrell know this well as they have been working covertly since their youth on these projects with their parents.


When I was in Branson in 2016 & 2017 I knew I was surrounded by NSA and CIA. I did not know that my former lovers Durrell and John were deep state CIA, from the families of Albert Speers and Joseph Mengele, nor did I know my former beloved Agent, John, who I had an affair with, was my biological brother, and that THEY were targeting me.


When I lived with Durrell for five years in Miami, New Jersey and California, ge had a lot of colloquialisms. One that he often said to me was "incest is best".  Now that statement makes sense. Durrell and John have known each other from infancy..all these things that were hidden from me began to be revealed at 58 years of age when I left my husband Sam in San Diego and moved to Chicago.  

I began researching why I had virtually no memories from childhood, teen years and adulthood. When I say no memories, I mean I remembered my home address, my mother and father, one or two resident memories, my elementary and high school, the names of handlers, my husbands, no actual specifics of day to day. A blur.


Durrell also said "get them young, train them young." I was an infant when he was 13 working with his father in the DUMBS. I was 3 when I was given to John, baptized in a bathtub of blood. He told me that he "serviced me" at 3 in an email in Branson. He took all the emails off of my server and sent me one back. It was from Wet Seal. Johns father was a marine. Wet Seal has not been in business for 55 years. Its a clothing store. The subject line had hearts and said Hey Babe. Wet Seal does not say Hey Babe, John does. It said glad to be of service to you for 55 years. I was 58, that means John serviced me at 3.


Now that I know what gangstalking is, now I know Durrell, John and Tommy Smith were gang-stalking me, love bombing me to keep me under MKULTRA control.




In 2016 I was attending James McDonald's church Harvest in Elgin and Bill Hybels church Willowcreek simultaneously. Both knew who I was and who John is because John is the Black Pope in charge of entertainment and the Vatican. 

Every time I stepped on the property at Willowcreek Durrell and John contacted me. Bill was probably calling them, "Hey guys, your ex is here."


At one point, James McDonald triggered me with a phrase "there was a man sent from God his name is John." This was in response to a prayer I was praying in the sanctuary at Harvest, while watching the worship band in a technical rehearsal before church. 

My prayer was how am I going to represent Alan Gresik, an orchestra leader who asked me to be his manager, the Gospel band Endurance, who asked me to be their Agent, and Todd Oliver, who Doc Holiday said, I should be his agent, and who later asked me to be his agent. At the end of the prayer I asked "by the way God could you tell me who my next husband is going to be?"


I am a singer, and I have performed in Bars, restaurants, Churches, fairs, casinos, weddings, for over 55 years. John and Durrell were both my "managers" and "agents" who "sold" me. Conversely, in reality, I was their "agent" under mind control, living a double life. As a singer I know about sound frequencies. I have been singing since I was eight months old. I was my own agent, ran my own bands, had my own studios, ran promo and sold my bands. Additionally I worked with other bands and other agents and recorded in studios all over America, from Miami to New York to LA.


So in retrospect I started to wonder how it was that every time I was on the property at Elgin Harvest it appeared my thoughts were being read. I know there are cameras all over the property, but this does not explain how James knew my prayer, because I was not praying out loud.


There is a technology that enables the illuminati handlers to literally read your thoughts which can be printed out on a printer. It is called Voice to Skull; the improved version is mind mapping thru blood, i.e. DNA, targetting thru resonate frequency.

The above-mentioned phrase that James said in his sermon, was an EXACT MKULTRA phrase John said to me 30 years before at the fair in Riverside that he took me to when we were having an affair. John said "Hey Penny do you want to know why my parents named me John" I said "no really John but I know you are gonna tell me" He said "they named me after a bible verse- John 1:6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John." This exact phrase was said to me in Jame's church when he looked right at me in the second row, which I sat in for months. James stated he was going to prophesy. I had no idea what that even was. You know what it was? A trigger for a HVT (high value target) for James buddy, John.


When I became homeless, I wrote to James and said, "Hey James, the promises of God ARE true, but there was a man sent from God his name is John, that is a trigger, who are you?" James wrote a whole sermon about it and he sent me one word in the subject line of my email, nothing in the email. It said "triage". I said "triage" that is what Mengele said he did. You live, you die, you get experimented on.


When I was at Willowcreek church I got in touch with Jeff Sadie who was my guitar player for several years in the San Diego Band Big River. Ernie Driggs originally was the guitarist. Ernie still has top secret clearance for a DOD security company in San Diego. Ernie quit and they brought Jeff in. Jeff knew my now dead CIA Satanist husband Sam and Sam worked for John. Jeff invited me to go see him and Todd Oliver at the Egyptian Theater in Decalb. Jeff asked me if I would be his agent and manager.


When the CIA triggered me electronically on my phone, I was held in a crazy house for a year in Rochell, 20 minutes from the Egyptian Theatre.

Doc Holiday is a guitarist who works with Jeff Sadie. They all worked with Todd Oliver. Jeff Sadie asked me to represent him, Doc Holiday asked me to represent him, and Doc said that I should represent Todd Oliver. 

Todd is a dog ventriloquist who was on America's Got Talent AGT, 2012. AGT XXX is a Satanic show that performs "real magic". The show hosts are illuminati. 

Doc and I started writing a television series for Todd entitled "I work for the D.O.G." wherein Irving, his dog, could really talk and Todd was actually the "strawman" who had to do everything Irving wanted.


When I was being triggered and gangstalked by the people I had known and loved in my life, new players were being introduced. Doc Holiday's wife played in Mickey Gilley's band. He had said she had an affair with Mickey Gilley's base player, or one of his guitar players, not sure which. 

Doc makes guitars and is a writer and an extraordinary musician. He wrote a bunch of songs that sounded like new Eagles songs, played all the parts, sang all the parts and recorded it on an album. He sounded just like the Eagles. He even did an Eagles Tribute in Branson.


One night Doc met me outside the Butterfly house (right, makes sense, Monarch Butterflies) and spoke to me for three hours. I told him all about John, and the civil war and impending martial law. I was staying at the Queen Anne, where Jeff Sadie was living and the WiFi was wiggy. Dic told me if I wanted a place to write that was quiet and had WiFi, I should go to Panera and use the wifi there, which I did.


John and Durrell are Rothschilds, and the Rothchilds own the media. A cypher was planted in a newspaper for me to read at the Panera restaurant where Doc Holiday told me to go. I waited until the man reading the newspaper left and I went over and sat in his chair and picked up the newspaper. It had a puzzle in it and a cryptogram. I do not like puzzles, but I worked it.


At that time I thought I was in love with John, the MKULTRA protocol for a perfect mind controlled slave engendered through rape and torture. The cypher read something like this:


John M will leave. Stay and sleep with John or go. John M in Missouri and New York. At the end of the cypher it had a poem.


"I went to the doctor because I sprained my ankle. The doctor said I feel your sprain."


The AI will give the hive mind ability for you to hear the thoughts of others and "feel" their emotions.


This is because psychopaths feel NOTHING.


I asked John to be my mentor for Shepard Entertainment Endeavors, SEE, as people were asking me to represent them as an agent. John texted me when I was in Branson talking with Dog Ventriloquist Todd Oliver.


He texted "I know this sounds cold Penny, just don't feel anything. Get up at 6 in the morning, work until 12 at night, go to sleep & thank God for another day."


Then he called me. I did not want to answer, but I did. I said "what happened to you? You just told a singer not to FEEL"


He screamed "I'm numb". I cried after I got off the phone with him, and was still crying before I went to meet Todd at Dale Evans restaurant. I also cried for months after that, just hearing John’s voice scream “I am numb” in my head.


That’s right John, you were born numb; you do not feel; you are a psychopath like Durrell, your best buddy.


The AI can also enables the “hive mind” to "SEE thru your eyes".


I was told John and Johnny, John’s son, could SEE thru my eyes.


John & Durrell are doctors; John is Joseph Mengele's son, Durrell is Albert Speers son. My FB, MEWE, research Group is called MKULTRA SEE ME NOW AGENT X:11



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