Chapter 15: The Ides of March & Coronavirus



The 2062th anniversary of the Ides of March was Sunday, March 15, 2020.

When I was with my first husband, Steve Xenos, we had a band called Stranger. Xenos means Stranger. John and Durrell orchestrated it's members. One of the members was David Arellano. David was my keyboard player. He was legally blind withimited shadow vision. The Arellano's have controlling territory in Mexico. They are Mexican mafia drug cartel. David was the former keyboard player for the Chicago based band Ides of March. Some of the players from Ides of March went on to become the band Survivor, who wrote Eye of the Tiger for Rocky.


The actual Ides of March took place in 44 B.C. The entire senate participated in the assassination of Caesar who was stabbed 23 times. A subsequent autopsy on Caesar established that the second wound, to his heart, was fatal. Caesar was killed by his constituents in the Senate. Caesar was born 2,118 years ago, and killed 2,062 years ago. (2020, and 666)

Why is this day important? 

The Ides of March 44 BC, is a day used by the Romans as a deadline for SETTLING DEBTS.  The conspirators of Caesar’s death involved at least 60 senators who had staged a gladiatorial event at the theatre of Pompey. Decimus Brutus (Decimator Brute) was sent to fetch Caesar, who was late.  Mark Antony, had learned of the plot the previous day and attempted to warn Caesar.  Mark was intercepted and detained.  When Mark heard the commotion in the Senate, he fled.

After Caesar was murdered a wax statute was erected in the Forum displaying the 23 stab wounds.  A crowd who had gathered at the Forum, started a fire.  In the ensuing years, the Liberators’ civil war began. I believe that we are in this Civil War at present.  

I was asked to offer up a date when the CIA/NSA had me locked up in Illinois in 2017-2018.  The date I figured out for a Civil War was 02.02.2020.

When I recently looked up this date, I found it had unique properties.  Firstly, it is known as the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Cited in:

Malachi: 3:1-4; 

Psalm 24, 

Hebrews 2:14-18, 

Luke 2:22-40. (Luke 2:22, 02.02.2020) 40, forty days and nites in the desert Jesus was tempted, 40 years in the desert, Moses wandered.  

Lukes depiction was of what happened when Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple for baptism and presentation.  Malachi promised that the Lord would one day come to the temple with a power no one could withstand.

This is what Luke states:

Luke 2:22-40 New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Presented in the Temple

22 When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord”[a]), 24 and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: “a pair of doves or two young pigeons.”[b]

25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. 26 It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. 27 Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, 28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:

29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
    you may now dismiss[c] your servant in peace.
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31     which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
    and the glory of your people Israel.”

33 The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him. 34 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”

36 There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, 37 and then was a widow until she was eighty-four.[d] She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.38 Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.

39 When Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. 40 And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.

For the past four years I have been trying to figure things out regarding all of the erasures that took place on me beginning with my birth as an MKULTRA in Project Genesis, the Eve Project.

I realized that essentially the entire Earth has been erased in regards to who we each were throughout history. In researching my name, andt actual Genesis on this planet as a being in the Christ consciousness, I have wondered if in this story I was either Anna or Penuel, tribe of Asher.

The Bible states it is attributed to man to be born once and die once, which actually is a false statement as I have died many times on this timeline. I did not believe in reincarnation when I first started this journey. I also did not believe in Aliens. Now I know that I have lived many lifetimes, and Aliens, aka Demons aka inter dimensional beings exist. 

My baptismal name given to me from my birth is Ann, which I carried with me as part of my legal name as it was important as to who I am; I am a cypherist, I decipher names, numbers, music and photos. The name Penuel, or Peniel broken down into Code is Penni, EL is the world for God, Emmanuel E man u El. It is also said Penuel was an angel of God. I know that I have lived many times because when I saw Johns face in the renderings hanging on the walls and in the worship 


When I was in Branson, in 2016 & 2017, I saw the world embroiled in a Civil War.  I saw it in a vision with my eyes open.  I was not sleeping. When I returned from Branson to Illinois the second time, I was homeless.  I was sleeping in my car and going to WillowCreek church from 6am to 10:30 pm. 

Inside the church, I was alone in an alcove, when the NSA triggered me electronically on my phone. I was talking with my sister in law and she told me to go see my niece, who my brother Rob said I could not stay with. I was MKULTRA compliant and I loved my neice, who works with her NSA father. I was led by my family to a hospital where my neice met me and said "why don't you get a checkup?" I said "there is nothing wrong with me" but I was under MKULTRA, triggered. 

I went inside where the staff took my clothing and my glasses. I was checked in by the characters in my book, Brad and Laura (nice touch CIA) and I was asked to sign a piece of paper without the benefit of my glasses. I was then placed in a LOCKED facility for a YEAR.


In that locked facility, in a remote location, I researched day and night and I leveraged my past with the present.  As a child, teenager and adult I lead a double life under MKULTRA as an agent for my covert deep state CIA family.  When I lived above ground, I resided in Ives Estates, at 1255 NE 202 street, N. Miami Beach, Florida.  

The numbers are everything to Draco Reptilians, who live in and amongst us. They are not just like Vampires, they ARE Vampires. They are the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Elite. They run the secret government. They are the 4th Reich, the continuation of the 3rd Reich which never ended. They are the Bankers (the Rothschilds & Vatican), Bakers (my grandma and Marilyn Monroe, Norma Jean Baker and Jim Baker are all Bakers) and Candlestick makers. Germany "Made America Great". Our CIA was the office of Strategic Services, Germany's OSS, our NSA is the German SA,SS nationalized.

The Dragos Primes are ritualistic in every step they take; They repeat things 3 times. If you want to delay a raging vampire, drop a bunch of sunflowers on the ground. I hear they are compulsive counters. While they are counting the sunflower seeds that fall on the ground, you may escape. The Dragos like to repeat historical events, they love repeating numbers and they love repeating wars.  

My address in Miami Beach was 1255 NE 202 St. John was born in 1955; the 202 is a repeating number in 02.02.2020. After a year of research, and understanding I am a numerical cypherist, along with cypherist of word and photographs, I realized that the CURRENT civil war, a viral war, and economic war, a physical war, ushered in and contrived by the NWO, would begin 02.02.2020.  And as anyone who is awake can see, the proverbial shit has hit the fan. 


Below is an article written about the significance of this date.


Today is 02/02/2020 -- the first global palindrome day in 909 years [909 upside down is 606- 666]

Las Vegas wedding chapels are advertising today as the perfect memorable date for tying the knot.

London(CNN)Today is a very special occasion -- the date is a palindrome, meaning it is the same when read forwards and backwards.

It is February 2, 2020, or 02/02/2020, in both the MM/DD/YYYY format and the DD/MM/YYYY format. At just after 2 a.m., it was 02:02:20 on 02/02/2020.

This is the only time such a date will occur this century.

The previous palindrome date in all formats came 909 years ago on 11/11/1111. The next will come in 101 years on 12/12/2121 and after that there will not be another until 03/03/3030. 

Solihull School Maths Department wrote on Twitter: "Today is a Palindrome Day in all date formats (UK, USA, ISO). It's also a palindrome day of the year (33) and there are a palindrome number of days left in the year (333). Quite a unique day!" (33° mason) 

The Royal Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas was advertising weddings on the "significant" date, pointing out that your two-year anniversary would fall on 2/2/22. "Two being the ultimate symbolic number representing you and your spouse to be."

It's also Super Bowl Sunday and Groundhog Day.

November 11, 2011 caused a major stir, when the clock struck 11:11:11 on 11/11/11. It was the only double-figure palindromic date and will not come round again for 100 years, in 2111.

However, it is not as perfect as 02/02/2020, because using the full year, 2011, ruins the symmetry. 

Las Vegas chapels were bursting at the seams with couples wanting to tie the knot on 11/11/11, with "queen of nightlife" Tiffany Masters holding what she billed as the world's largest reception.

Verizon Wireless launched its Droid Razr at 11:11 on 11/11/11 and there was even a movie "11-11-11," about an American author plagued by strange happenings and constant sightings of the number 11

(I was born Aug 11, my agent number is X:11; I was married to Steve Xenos, Dr. X, my name was Mrs. X)

Human brains are naturally inclined to look for patterns, and many consider such dates lucky. Daniel Hardt, president of Life Path Numerology Center in Indianapolis, called it a "powerful day."

In September, there was a week of palindrome dates using the US format, if you removed the 20- in the year. There was 9/10/19, 9/11/19 and so on, through to 9/19/19. But of course, these only worked with the US format of MM/DD/YYY.

There had been one of these every year since 2011, but that was the last of the century.

A palindrome is any word, phrase or sequence of numbers that reads the same whether you read it forward or backward, such as "mom," "race car" or "tacocat." Author James Joyce invented "tattarrattat," which is supposed to be the sound of a knock on the door and the longest single-word palindrome in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Famous palindromes include "rats live on no evil star," "never odd or even" and "a man, a plan, a canal, Panama." The phrase "A Toyota's a Toyota" can continue as a palindrome forever, as in, "A Toyota's a Toyota's a Toyota..."

Palindrome comes from the Greek words "palin," which means "again, back" and "dromos," meaning "running," according to So palindrome is a word or phrase that runs back on itself.

An example of the Satanic Sacrifice relevance of numbers. I wrote about the VanDams in a previous chapter

John put me in a band called Mr. Red Shoes in 2002. I was the lead female vocalist. I performed at Dads in Poway for Danielle VanDams mother Brenda and David Westerfield, Danielle's murderer, Feb 1 and Feb 2, 2002. Danielle was a seven year old who lived in Sabre Springs with her pedo Satanist parents. She was a satanic sacrifice offered up by her father Damon and mother Brenda VanDam who were known "swingers" involved in a child trafficking ring in San Diego, Riverside and LA counties. Brenda and David Westerfield arrived home at 2:00, Feb 2, 2002. David was given Dannielle. He raped and sodomized Danielle andade a snuff film of her murder. Her body was dumped on Dehesa road, 13 miles from David Jeremiah's satanic fake Christian church, Shadow Mountain, for the Shadow Gov.


Joseph Mengele's Birthday

March 16, 2020, was the 109th anniversary of Joseph Mengele's birthday.  Joseph Mengele was born March 16, 1911.  Mengele was Hitler’s scientist who killed millions of people in World War II.  Joseph Mengele actually reported to his mentor, Omar Freiherr Von Verschuer, a German human biologist and geneticist, who was the Professor of Human genetics at the University of Munster until he retired in 1965.  Verschuer was a member of the Dutch noble Verschuer family.  His title Freiherr is translated as baron.  Verschuer was born July 16, 1896, 4 years after the infamous Surgeon General Shiro Ishii, a Japanese microbiologist army medical officer and war criminal, leader of the notorious 731 unit, whose research in bio warfare engendered the creation of the Manchurian candidate, a mind controlled HUMAN weapon.  

August 15, 1945, Japanese Emperor Hirohito announced surrender and Operation Cherry blossom at Nite was cancelled.  This operation was orchestrated by Ishii and Hirohito to drop the bubonic plague on San Diego, California, where I resided from 1992 until I fled from my evil CIA husband, Sam VanHooser in March of 2016.

After signing the treaty with Japan, September 2, 1945, the United States conscripted Ishii into our MKULTRA bio warfare program to work with Verschuer and Joseph Mengele furthering genetic experiments in cloning and creation of the UBER super soldier through mind control and  bio warfare. Verschuer was regarded as a PIONEER in TWIN methodology of genetics research and in the study of the inheritance of diseases and anomalies.  

Verschuer was a eugenicist, who was an advocate of compulsory sterilization programs. Verschuer was the Director of the Institute for Genetic Biology and Racial Hygiene from 1935 to 1942 and Director of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics 1942-48; 1951-65 he was Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Munster where he served as the Dean of Faculty of Medicine.  He was known for research on effects of nuclear radiation on humans.  While he warned against the possibility of creating scientifically improved human beings, this was actually his mission.  His total desire was to facilitate the creation of the UBER soldier, a mind controlled asset and human weapon, as well as the cloning of human beings to provide “life everlasting” through the upload of the “soul” or “consciousness” and transferrence of the “chi” or “essence” into a cloned body.  

Mengele carried on Verschuer’s experiments and while at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he reported directly to his mentor by sending his samples and experiment results to Verschuer.  Mengele’s experiments showed a total lack of humanity and insanity in regard to human beings.  He experimented on them with no regard to human life by viciously raping children, men and women.  He operated on them with no anesthesia.  He was known as the Angel of Death as he stood on the train tracks surveying the incoming prisoners.  With a flick of his wrist he decided “You live, you die, you get experimented on.” Triage. 

Mengele was known for his heinous experiments with twins, as his mentor Verschuer was a PIONEER in twin methodology. He would torture one twin to see if the other twin felt the pain.  He was known for sewing twins together and watching them rot with bacteria. He would cut the arms off a twin and when they bled to death he would kill the other twin to perform an autopsy.  He tortured his victims by cutting their eyes out; he was known for putting a substance in his victims eyes to turn their brown eyes blue and to blind them. He hung his victims dead bodies like cattle and just as we on earth eat cattle, Mengele and the 3rd Reich ate the bodies of their victims.  They ate human flesh, organs and brains.  He and his men also used the skin of their victims for shoes, clothing, lampshades and bible covers.  


Mengele is my family member.  I believe he is my actual father and my evil brother John's actual father as well.  He pulled my tooth when I was 12.  My brothers are a product of Mengele’s psychopathy. My brother Rob is a psychotic robot.  He never cried as a child.  We called him Robby the Robot, and Dr. Spock. He never displayed emotions other than rage and laughter. He was homicidal as a child and tried numerous times to kill my sister Sandy.  He gave her roach pills, a bottle of baby aspirin and convinced her to jump in a pool that my father was building next door at the Whites, which had no water in it.  If you wonder how that is possible, in Florida when the heat swelters it can cause the illusion of water as the heat waves pulsate and rise in waves from the concrete. 

My brother John looks like Joseph Mengele; I look like Irene Mengele his wife and my murdered brother David looked like Irene and Joseph’s son. 


My family, collectively, had my brother David murdered on a high Satanic holiday, the “Grand Climax” April 28, 2007, on Mission Beach, by a member of MS13, who stabbed him in the neck, once, a strategic strike, which severed his spinal cord and immediately killed him. I never got David’s body back.  

Sam VanHooser my deep state CIA 2nd husband told me that David’s body was liquidated.  Meaning his body was distributed throughout the world, his flesh used as Eucharist, and blood as communion wine (adrenochrome).  

I most recently found out that John has a shoe company, meaning that he has shoes made of David’s flesh.  Kate Spade owned a company which produced pocketbooks and shoes.  It was acquired by an Italian company.  Odd that Kate went by Valentine; an MKULTRA CODE word. 

The book I started writing was Bradford and Valentine.  It is alleged that her company used human flesh to produce the purses and shoes.  John is an agent for David Spade, the comedian. Spade is the former, red tie suicided Kate Spade’s brother in law.


I do not follow Q because Johnny, Johns son showed up in a Q photo. I was also told my brother John, may be Q as in John Q public; How would Q know events? Because he works with those who strategize them. Just a conjecture, but this is my feeling as an insider. 

The Annons, I believe are the true heros. Here was a posting I took note of:

3/16 Local events will start to be cancelled because of the virus

3/23 US will go into CV Quarantine shortly after martial law will be declared; CV is a White House op, not a real threat

7 trumpets; 7 Presidental Emergency Texts; 7 Trump  E.T.

3/30 US Returns to gold standard

4/12 first arrest by Q BHO to awaken mass public

Social media will be disrupted

7/2020 full Alien E.T. Disclosure



Event 201 was a chronicled viral outbreak stratagem attended by world leaders to strategize events of  a “coronavirus” outbreak. It was held in New York, October 18, 2019, sponsored by Johns Hopkins and Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Gates predicted four years ago, that we would not be overtaken by a world war, but by a pandemic, a virus. Gates holds a patent on a strain of Coronavirus; just as the Queen holds a patent, and governments all over the world hold patents; All countries incessantly research bio warfare viral components for their countries arsenal of defense. 


Poisons were used by Popes as a favored method of murder. Greek philosopher Socrates in 399 BC. Was condemned to death for corrupting the young, according to Plato’s Phaedo, and drank hemlock. The secret government of wealthy elites who run earth have been silently poisoning the earth, food, air and water; they are the 4th Reich, continuation of the third, and they are in my family and in every family on earth.


This virus’ Epicenter in December, 2019 was Wuhan, China, as depicted in Dean Koontz CIA, book of 1981.


The USA was shut the fuck down March 16, 2020; Vegas shut down 12pm March 16, 2020.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Instagram Post  Caption 


Government scientists from China, Taiwan, and Japan—three countries hostile to each other—have independently concluded that COVID-19 originated in the United States. How could a virus endemic to Chinese bats spread from America? A 2015 article in Nature raises the possibility that NIH-funded scientists created the coronavirus pandemic.

Background; following the 2002-2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak, NIH funded a collaboration by Chinese scientists, US military virologists from the bioweapons lab at Ft. Detrick & NIH scientists from N.A.I.D. to prevent future coronavirus outbreaks by studying the evolution of virulent strains from bats in human tissues. In November 2015, Nature reported that the experiment prompted angry warnings from the world’s virologists who cautioned that a hybrid novel coronavirus, that these researchers boasted of creating, could escape and trigger a pandemic.


A multitude of scientists from diverse disciplines worldwide have opined that the COVID-19 is a laboratory-manipulated hybrid. (e.g. Lancet 1/24/20 V395 p. 497) Shouldn’t this possibility be subject to press scrutiny and congressional investigation?


Rather than challenging official platitudes and engaging in independent sleuthing, the obsequious press is promoting pandemic porn and acting as stenographers while Congress and President Trump reward $8.2 billion and new draconian powers over Americans to the same health officials who may have caused the pandemic.


Anthony Fauci, the NIH Official who funded the 2018 study has emerged as a US media darling, steering the absurd narrative that the virus jumped from bats to humans in the Wuhan market. After collecting genome samples from 12 countries, medical researchers from China, Taiwan, and Japan concluded that it was “introduced” to the market.


Scientists and whistleblowers have credibly linked recent pandemics of Lyme Disease in the 1990s, SARS in 2002, XMRV in 2009, MERS in 2012, Ebola in 2014, and zika in 2016 to military/ government/ pharma experiments gone sour.


Is it time to investigate the toxic Pharma/ HHS/ Pentagon nexus that has one foot in the lucrative health care field and another in bioweapons research?

ST CORONA; Venerated St of Pandemics

Saint Corona, Patroness of Pandemics, Pray for Us! 

It’s incredible but it’s seemingly true – there is a Saint Corona and she is one of the patrons of pandemics. Saint Corona, pray for us!

Saint Corona is thought to have lived in 2nd century Syria under Roman occupation. She was only 15-years-old when she professed her Christian Faith during the persecution of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius.

According to legend, Saint Corona was arrested and tied by her feet to the tops of two palm trees which were bent to the ground. When the palms were let loose she was torn apart.

It is reported that Saint Corona is especially venerated in Austria and Bavaria as the patron saint against epidemics. Her mortal remains are now housed in the city of Anzu in northern Italy, the epicenter of the recent outbreak of Coronavirus in Europe. Her feast day is May 14.

Source: Gloria.TV More at:

Allegations of Charles Lieber, USA, Harvard Chair of Chemical Biology, collaboration with China the Thousand Talents Plan with China

Harvard chemistry chief’s arrest over China links shocks researchers

Nanoscientist Charles Lieber allegedly lied about his involvement in China’s Thousand Talents Plan.
Prof Charles M. Lieber

Charles Lieber has been accused of failing to disclose funding he received from the Chinese government.Credit: Kris Snibbe/Harvard Public Affairs & Communications, CC BY-SA 4.0

Researchers have reacted with shock to the arrest of Charles Lieber, a prominent Harvard University chemist and nanotechnology pioneer, who has been charged with making false statements to the US government about receiving research funding from China.

Lieber, who is known for engineering new nanomaterials and developing their applications in medicine and biology, was arrested on 28 January. Two days later, a federal judge approved his release on cash bail of US$1 million.

The charges focus on Lieber’s alleged involvement in China’s Thousand Talents Plan, a prestigious programme designed to recruit leading academics to the country. Documents outlining the charges allege that Lieber received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and agreed to lead a lab there — and that when US government agencies asked about his involvement with the programme he stated that he was not a participant and denied any formal affiliation with WUT. Lieber’s legal team did not respond to Nature’s requests for comment.

The arrest comes as US authorities are increasingly scrutinizing universities’ foreign links, amid fears that overseas governments could be stealing intellectual property or influencing US research.


Colleagues and former students of Lieber contacted by Nature are stunned by the detainment of such a high-profile scientist. Lieber has been a faculty member at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, since 1991, and is currently chair of the university’s department of chemistry and chemical biology. His work, which has included the development of nanometre-diameter wires that can be used as sensors, has won him top awards, among them the 2017 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award and the 2012 Wolf Prize in Chemistry. In 2008, he was tipped by Thomson Reuters as a potential Nobel prizewinner.

“Charlie is the purest scientific scholar I have ever seen and personally I have 100% trust and confidence in him. I think there must be some misunderstanding during the handling of the case,” says Xiaocheng Jiang, a former student of Lieber’s who is now a biomedical engineer at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.

“I was shocked,” says Joshua Sanes, a molecular biologist at Harvard who has co-authored two papers on the use of electronic devices to measure nerve activity in the mouse eye with Lieber. “I didn’t know anything about it until I saw the report in The New York Times.” The newspaper reported the allegations on 28 January.

Harvard University, where Lieber’s lab hosts more than a dozen graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, has placed Lieber on paid administrative leave, barred him from campus, and suspended his research and teaching roles. “The charges brought by the US government against Professor Lieber are extremely serious,” a spokesperson for the university told Nature. “Harvard is cooperating with federal authorities, including the National Institutes of Health, and is conducting its own review of the alleged misconduct.”

A spokesperson for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) — from which Lieber also received funds — referred Nature’s queries to the FBI, citing an ongoing investigation.

Links to China

Details of Lieber’s alleged offences appear in a charging document submitted by the FBI in connection with his arrest. It says that for periods of time between 2012 and 2017, Lieber agreed to be paid a salary of $50,000 per month, as well as about $150,000 a year in personal and living expenses, by WUT, and was given more than $1.5 million to set up a research lab there. According to a contract cited in the document, Lieber was to work at or for WUT for at least nine months a year. Lieber also agreed to host visiting scientists for two-month stints at his US lab, according to the FBI, an agreement that Harvard was not aware of.

At the same time, Lieber continued his tenure at Harvard University and applied for funding from US agencies, receiving at least $15 million in federal grants from the Department of Defense (DOD) and the NIH since 2008. NIH policies require that researchers applying for federal funds disclose any funding they receive from other governments or universities outside the United States. Lieber was asked about his participation in the Thousand Talents Plan in April 2018 by DOD investigators, and by Harvard in late 2018 in response to an enquiry from the NIH. In both instances, the FBI says, he denied being part of it.

Talent programme

China’s Thousand Talents Plan has been one focus of the US government’s efforts to crack down on foreign interference in research. In November last year, a US Senate panel suggested that the programme could be a means by which the Chinese government diverts US intellectual property for the state’s own benefit. Michael Lauer, a deputy director at the NIH, told lawmakers that the contracts encouraged participants to set up ‘shadow labs’ in China that replicated their work at US institutions. In December, an elite science advisory group known as JASON recommended in a report that US agencies support fruitful international collaborations while strengthening policies that require scientists to be transparent about conflicts of interest.

However, Chinese-American scientists have raised concerns that these measures are leading to researchers of Chinese descent being unfairly targeted, and that increased scrutiny will damage those collaborations that do follow federal guidelines. 

William Jorgensen, a computational chemist at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, says he is worried that the publicity surrounding Lieber’s arrest will prejudice US researchers against scientists in China. “Don’t confuse the Chinese government with the rank and file faculty in China,” he says, adding that his own experience of working alongside researchers at Chinese universities has been positive.

Lieber is not the first US scientist to become embroiled in ongoing political tensions between the United States and China. Last month, a former scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, who was accused of applying to and being recruited by the Thousand Talents Plan, pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the US government. And the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, recently reported that six employees, including the chief executive, were forced to resign over failing to disclose their connection to the programme.


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