Inception of SEE
SEE ME NOW: Agent X:11
Stranger Things/Eleven
(ELAH) Evolutionary Life Above Human
Shepard Entertainment Endeavors, SEE, my company, began October 2, 2016
Shepard Entertainment Endeavors, SEE, my company, began October 2, 2016. That's the day I ordered my business cards, after I was asked to agent for an orchestra leader named Allan Gresik, who I met in Chicago on September 16, 2016, at the Green Mill.
My name is Penny L.A. Shepard. I am an MKULTRA, super soldier. MKULTRA is a real project, under the auspices of the CIA and FBI. It is an ULTRA secret program initiated on paper in the United States in the 1950s. In reality it has been around since the beginning of time. Stanislavsky, originator of "The System" aka "The Method" was a Russian Mind Control expert. He worked for 40 years perfecting his technique of mind control with the worlds greatest scientific minds. Lenin supported Stanislavsky. He proffered his "Method" in the form of an acting method, which he brought to the United States in order to continue the MKULTRA project.
Japan worked in conjunction with this project calling it "The Manchurian Candidate." Manchurian Candidates/MKULTRA's are assassins of Presidents, Tzars, Shieks, Religious Leaders and Kings; they are mercenaries who obey the commands of their handlers. They are mind controlled through hypnosis, rigorous torture and training; they have Radio frequencies [RF] put in their brain stems and bodies; they are psychic spies, sex slaves, remote viewers and consummate actors in the theatre of life. They are genetically modified for endurance and strength. They are human hybrids.
I graduated from Project Genesis in 1976. I have been a government asset my entire life. I will remain a government asset on a list of MKULTRA projects for as long as I live. We are taught to be loyal, truthful Patriots in service to our country. In the event of a War we are activated and called upon to do what others will not do. Face the enemy without fear. We have been killed many, many times and brought back to life so that when death comes we feel no fear. We are human, we do feel, we cry, we feel pain, we feel love. We are empaths who feel other peoples emotions. I am a singer, I sing when others can not. I give my emotions to the world.
November 13, 2016, I was activated in a church by a well known and much beloved Pastor, James McDonald formerly Harvest Church in Elgin and Chicago. James knows John, he knows Durrell he knows Trump, he is MJ12, magic, for sure. He uttered the words to me "There was a man....sent from God...his name is John."
Puff.. I was reactivated... Magic.
My brother David was an MKULTRA, a super solider. He was born August 3, 1954. He wrote a book and a screenplay called "The Whistleblower."." which was unpublished. I read it but I was erased. I remember the beginning and the end. The scene opened with the Vatican; he named Presidents. At the end of the book his character opened up a black box. Inside the box was a note. The note said "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth."
David was right. My research led me to the Military Industrial Complex, then it lead me further down the rabbit hole to "The MIEC". The MIEC are the Military Industrial Extra Terrestrial Complex that exist on planet earth. David was right, The MIEC Shall Inherit the Earth. One of my older brother's, Rob, told me that David was not crazy. He was not schizophrenic, or mentally ill. He was not paranoid because everything he said was happening to him was actually happening. He said that everything he wrote about was true. He said "Penny, I know, I worked for the NSA."
David was murdered on Mission Beach in San Diego, April 28, 2007, in a strategic blow that was served up with military precision. His spinal column was severed with a six inch knife in one strike. He is still maligned in character even in death, as we all are. Disavowed, like Mission Impossible. David was a man who believed in the Bible, believed in God and he cried real tears. I was not told of his death for two months. He was forced to be homeless. He left Oregon and came to San Diego. He lived at Mission Beach, 20 minutes from my home for two years, trying to reach me to tell me I was in danger. He was arrested and interrogated over 50 times and my deep state family knew every breath and every step David took.. The deep state IS my family so of course they know who I am, and they knew who he was. Black helicopters followed both of us. We both have been closely watched and monitored since our birth.
I was told that the CIA murdered him on orders from the Vatican. The cover story was easy to make up, he was a crazy, homeless drunk man. He wasn't. He was my brother, and I loved him. I still love him and I miss him everyday. He was a man of integrity and honor who was dishonored even in death. I never received my brother David's body. They lied and told me that his body had turned into liquid. That is not possible. I now question that the ashes I received were even his, and since I know my brother John is MR RED SHOES, and has an obscure designer shoe company, I know he is wearing his brother David as skin shoes.
Max Spiers was a super soldier. Before his death he texted his mother “Your boy's in trouble, if anything happens to me investigate." Max was a truth teller. He came forward with James Casbolt in a tube video interview and disclosed. He was interviewed several times. He was warned to be quiet, several times. Max awoke one day to find his kitchen on fire. He looked outside and saw a vehicle, waiting. The license plate said Blow It Up.
Before his death, Max coughed up half a gallon of black ooze on the couch of a women he hardly knew. Black ooze like in the X-Files. The ooze in X-Files is an ancient sentient being that walked this planet before the dinosaurs. The black ooze is known as the "alien virus." It is absorbed into the bloodstream via contact with the skin. It takes over the body, killing the host. It gestates inside of the host, while digesting the body for sustenance, before emerging as a new deadly dangerous entity.
In an interview, Max had recanted an incident of a satanic ritual performed on him that he said permitted a dimensional being or demon to invade his body.
Max Spiers death was ruled natural. It was not. He was murdered in Warsaw, Poland, July 16, 2016, 120 days before I was reactivated. I wonder if his mother received his body or just his ashes.
James Casbolt is a super soldier, who has written a book entitled "MI6, Agent Buried Alive." James is in the Mannequin Project from the UK. He was born in 1976. Max was born December, 1976. I graduated an MKULTRA, from Project Genesis in 1976. Our country was founded in 1776. In 1976 we celebrated our bicentennial. History, as even Stephen Hawking saw, is strategized numerically; this truth led Stephen to acknowledge that our world is ordered, by a presence higher than ourselves. That which we call God, Superior Being, is/are, in fact, the Superior Extra Terrestrial Beings, hereinafter referred to as ET's.
Many in the Intel community try to discredit those who are truth tellers. We have been murdered, tortured, ritualized, bitten by snakes, buried alive, forced to live in cages, forced to be assassins and sex slaves. We have been electrocuted with cattle prods, stun guns, had electrodes put on and in our heads and genitalia; we have been hypnotized, mind controlled, strangled, drugged, shot, drowned, beaten and attacked by our Military in order to make us compliant for handling by Extra Terrestrials.
Surgeons put implants in our brain stems, ears, teeth, chest, arms, legs and sexual organs. We are genetically modified. We are repeatedly abducted by Aliens who probe us endlessly, taking our women’s ovum and our men’s sperm; fertilized eggs are implanted into women, and then examined for their humanlike qualities. If they are not human enough they are taken and grown in artificial wombs, thereby creating alien hybrids. We are the product of centuries of that hybridization.
To further the Psyops, we are interrogated mercilessly, electronically tortured, triggered, mentally, physically and sexually, jailed, put in insane asylums and behavioral centers, told we are crazy when we are not, diagnosed by CIA doctors as being mentally ill, kicked out of the workforce, made homeless and penniless, forced to survive without water or food, infected with alien viruses, secreted off world and into slavery on another planets as well as in Deep Underground Military Bases aka DUMBS.
When we try to tell our stories we are either murdered or further PsyOped by the Intel Community, by the factions mind controlling our governmental agencies; malevolent and intent on ensuring that the Extra Terrestrial presence which has infiltrated the government on the highest levels, as well as the Reigning Ruling ET government, stays undiscovered and undisclosed to the public.
In my journey of discovery and disclosure, I have been guided by many incredible men, who have proven to me that they never left my side. Men who hide in the Shadows, many mountains of shadows. John is one of those men, whom I love with all my heart. He told me Penny, in his usual covert fashion, take the red pill. I always do what John says, because he sees the future, like me, only he SEES more. I am the rabbit, John is the carrot. I have loved that carrot since I was a baby.
Love will conquer all. That is all we truly have to offer one another in this life. We do not have possessions, or money. We have something unique that is the envy of the galaxies. We have tears, laughter, joy, sadness, pain, sex and kisses. We have emotions, we feel.
John, because of you, I have chosen to enter the rabbit hole. For those of you who make that choice, I cannot promise that what you SEE will be anything that you desire. As you continue, down the rabbit hole, which appears to be never ending, you will glean an answer or two, and some truth along your journey.
To those staunch disbelievers, I do not aim to convince. Remain steadfast in your illusion. To those in the rabbit hole, with awakened eyes I urge you to SEE, dig deeper into the research, I am ready to extend my knowledge as I ascertain it. I have already counseled many who are awakened, proffering my research and conclusions.
I also encourage everyone to do their own research. I trust no one. I trust my handlers. I trust John. I trust my brothers, who know me. To the rest of the world, I advise, trust no one.
Stranger Things/Eleven
(ELAH) Evolutionary Life Above Human
My name is Penny L.A. Shepard. I am an MKULTRA, super soldier. MKULTRA is a real project, under the auspices of the CIA and FBI. It is an ULTRA secret program initiated on paper in the United States in the 1950s. In reality it has been around since the beginning of time. Stanislavsky, originator of "The System" aka "The Method" was a Russian Mind Control expert. He worked for 40 years perfecting his technique of mind control with the worlds greatest scientific minds. Lenin supported Stanislavsky. He proffered his "Method" in the form of an acting method, which he brought to the United States in order to continue the MKULTRA project.
My brother David was an MKULTRA, a super solider. He was born August 3, 1954. He wrote a book and a screenplay called "The Whistleblower."." which was unpublished. I read it but I was erased. I remember the beginning and the end. The scene opened with the Vatican; he named Presidents. At the end of the book his character opened up a black box. Inside the box was a note. The note said "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth."
David was right. My research led me to the Military Industrial Complex, then it lead me further down the rabbit hole to "The MIEC". The MIEC are the Military Industrial Extra Terrestrial Complex that exist on planet earth. David was right, The MIEC Shall Inherit the Earth. One of my older brother's, Rob, told me that David was not crazy. He was not schizophrenic, or mentally ill. He was not paranoid because everything he said was happening to him was actually happening. He said that everything he wrote about was true. He said "Penny, I know, I worked for the NSA."
David was murdered on Mission Beach in San Diego, April 28, 2007, in a strategic blow that was served up with military precision. His spinal column was severed with a six inch knife in one strike. He is still maligned in character even in death, as we all are. Disavowed, like Mission Impossible. David was a man who believed in the Bible, believed in God and he cried real tears. I was not told of his death for two months. He was forced to be homeless. He left Oregon and came to San Diego. He lived at Mission Beach, 20 minutes from my home for two years, trying to reach me to tell me I was in danger. He was arrested and interrogated over 50 times and my deep state family knew every breath and every step David took.. The deep state IS my family so of course they know who I am, and they knew who he was. Black helicopters followed both of us. We both have been closely watched and monitored since our birth.
I was told that the CIA murdered him on orders from the Vatican. The cover story was easy to make up, he was a crazy, homeless drunk man. He wasn't. He was my brother, and I loved him. I still love him and I miss him everyday. He was a man of integrity and honor who was dishonored even in death. I never received my brother David's body. They lied and told me that his body had turned into liquid. That is not possible. I now question that the ashes I received were even his, and since I know my brother John is MR RED SHOES, and has an obscure designer shoe company, I know he is wearing his brother David as skin shoes.
Shepard Entertainment Endeavors
I once was blind, but now I SEE
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