SEE ME NOW: Agent X-11 - Dedication

SEE ME NOW: Agent X:11
X Mrs. X (Double X)
Stranger Things/Eleven
(ELAH) Evolutionary Life Above Human 


would like to dedicate this book to those mentors that I have had in my life.  The primary people whom I gave my loyalty, love and dedication to. These men resonate in my life as historical figures. Historically EVIL; They are the deep state CIA and my evil family. I am dedicating the remaining breath in my body to exposing them.

To all the children, babies and clones that John and Durrell made from my DNA, from the ovum and fetuses they took from me. If you are righteous children, I send you my love; if you are evil, I hope your evil intent is discovered and justice finds you.

I was told to write a book, and so I am beginning.  I will publish my thoughts as I ascertain information about the planet earth, past, present and future.  I will publish on my blog as I plod through the theories that have been presented, which in actually are not “theories of conspiracy” at all.  They ARE conspiracy.  

The conspiracy is silence, forced upon our world by a covert extra terrestrial secret government of men, hybrids, who are freemason Satanists calling themselves the "illuminated" ones, who use black magic and deception to achieve their means. This secret "military" has infiltrated every governing body on planet earth, every agency, to ensure that their detection on planet earth is not uncovered.  

I dedicate this book to those benevolent men and women, and benevolent extraterrestrial factions who may WORK in the CIA, FBI, NSA, NASA, Military, media and political arena, to those civilians, who have dedicated their lives to disseminate the truth, emboldened by their desire to save human kind; to those who have been made compliant, who were tortured, like myself and who are targetted individuals. I dedicate this book to those who know, but who are not permitted to speak; to those who have been murdered for freedom, for truth. 

The leaders of these three lettered agencies whose organizations are CIA, NSA, NASA, FBI and Military have taken an oath of non-disclosure to the Top Secret and ULTRA secret programs they are privy to.  The penalty for breaching this oath is treason and death.  These leaders of the deep state cabal are evil beyond recompense. They  murder their own families, imprison, enslave, drug, frame, assassinate the character of, divest of all properties and finances, make homeless and throw in crazyhouses. They use MKULTRA doctors loyal to the reich to state that the truth teller family members are schizophrenic because they wish to disclose the truth. 

These agencies have agents in every company, university and hospital, all who work for the Vatican.  This secret government IS  the malevolent faction that controls this planet. 

At this present juncture, we find ourselves in a state of seige; We are at WAR with a global covert quarantine called the Coronavirus which has collapsed the global economy and will change history from this day forward.

As throughout time, this cabal has manufactured all WARS to lay waste to ALL of human kind, thru whatever means necessary. Biological warfare, DEW DARPA HARP; crashing of economies. Their mission is destruction, taking of all earths resources, humans, air, water, food, geography.

I dedicate this book to the unrelentless truth tellers and whistleblowers who have risked their lives, who have been tortured and murdered by order of deep state CIA, like my brother David Duane Fortner, individuals, who were made homeless yet continued to investigate, and warn those around them; who even in death had their characters assassinated.

It is to these individuals who fought and continue to fight at every turn those who have lied, cheated, murdered. We fight those who run psyops, create human weapons and who work hand in hand in with the complicit heads of DEA, FBI, Interpol, MS13, KKK, Mossad, MI6, MSS, FSB. These heads run and profit from global drug ops and sex trafficking with cooperation of police, military and local law enforcement. 

To those brave who have fought to tell the truth about the massive sex trafficking and pedos in gov and hollywood who are eating humans and drinking human blood, I salute you.

To those whistleblowers who are exposing the cabals secret experiments, ongoing abductions and experiments on humans, I salute you. We need to expose the thousand of projects some of which involve the creation of genetic anomalies, clones and human hybrids

There are whistleblowers who speak out about the cabal's creation of strategized virulent viral bio weapons such as AIDS, Ebola, Cancer, Corona and the evil cabal who surreptitiously work both sides of the fence to murder mankind. 

To the men and women in the Satanic 4th reich, my evil family members John Mengele, Durrell Speers, my bothers, evil agents, generals, lovers and husbands, my HANDLERS, friends of Epstein, Podesta, creators and perpetrators of  MKULTRA, torturers of super soldiers,  it is my ardent desire to see you taken down for your egregious crimes against humanity.

While most of this book will address the MKULTRA-MONARCH Program, it will also address my life, who I am.  I will address all the things that I encounter in my research, including but not limited to:

Missing time, UFO’s, Reptilians, Dragos, life on other Planets, other species, Time Travel, Montauk, Television is Real, Movies are Real, Dimensions, CERN, Politics, TIME, Entertainment, Super Soldiers, Genesis, History, WAR, the Bible is True, Religion, Ancient Aliens, Current Aliens, Creation of the World, CIA, NSA, NASA, and Conspiracy for Silence.

Proof is hard to come by.  Those who have rewritten history, demand it of you.  History HAS been rewritten.  Everything you have come to believe, and have been taught in school, is a lie.

Those who have eyes to SEE and ears to hear, will realize the truth when it resonates in their hearts.  I have nothing to prove to anyone.  This is a recounting of my life, as best as I can ascertain it.

As I encounter and uncover the truth, I will attempt to present it to you, unvarnished.

Penny L.A. Shepard


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