Chapter 7: The Story of the Tortoise and the Hare


Question: If the SPECIES of DRACO Reptilian Primes, the SATAN(s) depicted in the bible, could obtain more time on this planet, how would they do it?  
Answer: Create a time loop. 


 In my research the Tortoise and the Hare analogy appears to have evolved from the writings of Aesop, an alleged individual who was a slave in the 5th century BC.  His stories were translated into Greek, Latin and English in 1494.  The story of the Tortoise and the Hare was a new one added after the collection of Aesop’s fables were translated into Greek, it somehow “snuck” into the lexicon.  Since its inception it has been rewritten many times. 


The Hare is a Rabbit.  In Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland, he represents the Rabbit, with a pocket watch, as he is the MASTER of TIME TRAVEL; He is always carrying a pocket watch, always late for a very important date.  I gave three men pocket watches. Durrell, Steve and John, masters of time.  

I am the MKULTRA, the TOY, the Rabbit, aka the playboy bunny. I am female.  The rabbit is globally used as the symbol of fertility.


The Easter Bunny is often perceived as a "male", which although I do not believe in irony, I will say that is ironic. It is a MALE bunny who deposits eggs all over the world.   

Fiona Barnett said Dr. Mengele, who tortured her, had a white rabbit on his door. She said his was the name we did not mention. I said "like Voldemort in Harry Potter?" She said yes.

When I was at Willowcreek church on a Saturday I was sitting in a tech rehearsal for the worship band and texting with John. 

They just put Jesus in a jail cell on stage. I took a photo and sent it to my former agent John and Jeff Lodin, an off broadway producer, who I went to high school with. I had forgotten what day it was. I was trying to reclaim my life and start over again after the worst marriage on the planet which left me traumatized, disabled and broke. After left my husband and began to heal I realized my memory was totally erased. I had NO idea who John was or who Durrell was at that time.

I said "John you are the only one who understands me, the only one I can share my work with." John said "happy Saturday." I said to John "some of us have to work for a living," and  He said "I'm in the office. Want to see what I am working on?" I said "sure". 

John emailed me a photo of a singer. He was paying her 3,000 for one song. I thought wow. I worked for John for $600 a week seven days a week, pretty much 24/7 and this girl was getting $3,000 for one song. I looked at the song. It was Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit. 

John told me right then he was Joseph Mengele's son and protege, but I did not understand what he was saying.

What does a Satan do? He mocks that which is good. John was mocking me. Satan turns everything upside down, which is why Stranger Things told us we actually live in the upside down. In other words the Satan or Evil ones aka Drago Reptilians take that which was intended for good and use it for bad.  

John was telling me, he was the face behind the door with the White Rabbit on it  For years I said I was the rabbit and John was the carrot.

The “male” Easter Bunny would be representative of the DRAGO who throughout time has been stealing the eggs of all the female species on this planet and redepositing them, after reproducing differentiated species, to different genetic hybrids and handlers.

Rabbits are considered mammals. Contrary to the mythos that the Easter bunny delivers eggs, the rabbit gives live birth.  Rabbits are symbols of fertility because they can conceive a second litter of offspring while still pregnant with the first. They develop embryos inside the uterus and after a pregnancy of 31 to 33 days they give birth to approximately one dozen babies.

In the 13th century  pre-christian Germany, when people worshiped Gods and Goddesses, the Eostra was the goddess of spring and fertility and feasts were held in her honor on the Vernal Equinox.  In the 15th Century the Roman Catholic Church merged with pagan beliefs and promoted the Easter Bunny legend in conjunction with Jesus' resurrection, rather mocking it, taking away from the attention placed on Jesus and putting it on a rabbit. 

Words are specific. In the beginning there was the word.  Why not say the Turtle and the Rabbit?  The story is the Tortoise and the Hare.

What are the definitions regarding Hare?
Definitions:  Hare, Heir, Herr.  Herr is the German title of Mr., 1650s, also originally meaning “nobler, superior” from middle high German “Herre”, from old high German Hero, comparative of here “noble, worthy, exalted, lord, master,  proud, holy, splendid, noble”; many “plays” on the term Hare; also it can refer to God as the Lord, as in the Lord of the Rings, Der Herr Der Ringe; from PIE lei a color adjective in suffixed form koi ro here meaning “gray, hoary” hence gray haired, venerable” or in the alternative GREY the malevolent ETS.  Heir, also refers to those who receive a legacy or inheritance from their ancestors/predecessors. 

What is a hair- (hare) trigger?  It is a trigger of a firearm set for release at the slightest pressure.  MKULTRA weaponizes us.  It makes us sexpionage agents assassins upon command with a trigger word or sound or smell.  The term hair trigger applied to a persons temperament is a person liable to change suddenly and violently.  This is the predisposition of a mind controlled MKULTRA, Manchurian candidate.  The term hare, is very specific.  It can also be used as a trigger word.  Mention  the tortoise and the hare story and you may actually trigger an MKULTRA.


Dana Carvey mocks the Turtle Club, to which he is a member. John reps Dana Carvey.
The Tortoise represents the turtle. He is a REPTILE.  The Tortoise, lives exclusively on land; while some turtles live in the sea. Tortoises are generally vegetarians, while most turtles are omnivorous.  The dragon turtle is a legendary Chinese creature that combines two of the four celestial animals of Chinese mythology, the body of a turtle with a dragon is a positive ornament in Feng Shui symbolizing courage, determination, fertility, longevity, power, success and support.  The turtle Drago would be the representative of the DRAGO species, contrary to the rabbit.  Tortoises can lay eggs up to four years after mating. Wild tortoises produce fertile eggs 15 to 20 years in maturity; In captivity a tortoise produces at 4 to 5 years.  

One questions then, why did we not have an Easter Turtle.  The Turtle lays eggs, the Rabbit does not.
There are many turtle clubs.  Many secret turtle clubs and secret members. One exclusive turtle club offers entrance at every Rodeo event in the Rodeo world.  An accomplished rider obtains a belt buckle that enables entrance by flashing the buckle.  

There is the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Turtles, International Association of Turtles, which was started as a drinking club by Captain Hugh P. McGowan US Army Air Corps/USAF Reserve.  The club was founded in an officers club in England when flying daytime combat missions over Hitlers 3rd Reich. It spread to Masonic groups and high schools. It was dreamed up by test pilots, when the Apollo team was trying to maintain an even strain and beat the Russians to the moon.  Membership was diligently sought after and highly esteemed by those lucky enough to be initiated.  If you were a Turtle you were aggressive and had a feeling for fair play, clean thoughts and a sense of humor.  Turtles are bright eyed, fearless and unafraid folk with a fighter Pilot attitude.  They believe you never get any place worthwhile unless you stick your neck out.  Those are the turtle clubs that we know about.  Be assured if the Masons adopted it it has a satanic under belly you will never see, just like every other secret organization.


Everyone knows the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, where the Hare is arrogant and starts a race with the simple minded Tortoise who is slow and plodding.   

The Hare is so over confident that he takes a bunch of naps while the Tortoise is plodding away.  

The plodding Tortoise wins the race, the moral being slow and steady wins the race.  But what if that isn’t the actual story?

In 1891 George Murray, a poet, flips the moral in the story, the Hare and the Tortoise.  A hare named Puss sleeps during the race, seeing that she is likely to win, but this time, the hare wakes up just in time to catch her mistake leaping from her slumber.  Scared by the sight with all her speed and strength she galloped in, a winner by length.  No need to be slow and steady if you wake up paranoid and ready to make up for lost time.

This is the first story that I am going to say rings true. The other stories about the turtle winning do not make sense.  Also, if the rabbit is drugged, it would sleep.  

And the lost time, well that indicates the Tortoise was a time traveler and experimented in MKULTRA, which is probably why the Hare started wearing a pocket watch in Alice in Wonderland in the first place, because the Tortoise was a deceptive and very clever malevolent REPTILE that continually tricked him in an effort to win the race for time.  

The Turtle was a magician who continually pulled him, the Rabbit, out of his hat at every turn.  The turtle was not above murdering a few identical rabbits just to pull his trick off that he was pulling the same rabbit out of his hat in front of his admiring audience.

K. Kortez offers a video interpretation of the Tortoise and the Hare on uTube, I have embellished it a bit.

The tortoise had its own house and he was wealthy.  He had many mates.  Nothing fulfilled him, nothing was ever enough.  Not enough food, not enough possessions, not enough money, not enough sex.  

The hare was poor but had true happiness.

The tortoise was envious because the hare had true happiness.

The tortoise challenges the hare to a race, but the hare doesn’t like to run.

The tortoise thinks if he wins everyone will think he is clever.  He continually badgers the hare for a period of years, challenging him to a duel.  He can’t wait to prove to everyone that the hare is a slow, stupid, conniving, egotistical fool; all the things that the tortoise is, and all the things that the hare is not.

The hare, unaware of the intentions of the tortoise finally gives in.  The hare knows he is faster, and he doesn’t want to humiliate the tortoise but he can not stand the constant badgering.  The tortoise plots for years how he is going to win.  

Bare in mind, the tortoise was ridiculously wealthy.  He spent years trying to “fix” the race so he would look good.  He had nothing else to occupy his time with.  So one night when the hare is sleeping the turtle sends his ninja turtle buddies to hypnotize the hare and put implants in the hare’s brain.  

The tortoise then sits at his house and runs the program that is installed in the MKULTRA on his computer in front of the military.  He is ensuring that he will win this race.  The Military are there, hedging their bets.

On the day of the race, the tortoise offers the hare a drink.  In the drink he puts three sleeping pills.  The hare begins the race but due to the sleeping pills the hare falls asleep.  The tortoise begins to plod, assured his plan will work.

The hare wakes up and starts to run again.  The tortoise was informed by his secret service that the hare was up and running.  The tortoise then talked into his iPhone watch, then simply commanded the rabbit to sleep. The rabbit spaced out and shut down, falling asleep by the side of the racetrack. The tortoise totally controlled the MKULTRA rabbit. He continued the farce of a race, appearing to go as fast as possible.  He listened to the sounds of the crowd and military cheering him on in victory.

At the last minute the hare wakes up again; she breaks programming and speeds forward only to land on a proximity mine.  The hare’s foot lands across the finish line, and she wins the race by her rabbit’s foot.

A lion watching the race arrests the tortoise and condemns it to soup.  The hare is traumatized.  They take the rabbits foot and put it on a key chain, and sell it for 11.95 on Amazon Prime.  Now you can start your car, with the rabbits foot.  


Various rituals suggested by the sources, though they differ widely one from another.  A rabbit is an animal into which shapeshifting witches such as Isobel Gowdie claimed to be able to transform themselves.  Witches were aid to be active at the times of the full and new moons.

These widely varying circumstances may share a common thread of suggestion that the true lucky rabbits foot is actually cut from a shapeshifted witch.  Willie Dixon’s song “Hoochie Coochie Man” mentions a “black cat bone” ; artifacts in hoodoo magic; dust is an appropriation of parts of a corpse as a relic; a form of sympathetic magic.

The rabbits foot is dried out and preserved, carried around by gamblers and other people who feel it will bring them luck.  President Roosevelt wrote in his autobiography that he had been given a gold mounted rabbits foot by John L. Sullivan.  Booker T. Washington and Baron Ladislaus Hengelmuller the ambassador from Austria got their overcoats confused in the White House when the Baron, searching in his pockets for his gloves, noticed the coat he had was not his.  He found the left hind food of a graveyard rabbit, killed in the dark of the moon.  

Rabbit’s foot’s are mentioned in many songs and minstrel shows.  One line stated “and you’ve got a rabbit’s foot to keep away de hoo-doo”.

Humorist R.E. Shay stated “Depend on the rabbit’s foot if you will, but remember, it didn’t work out well for the rabbit.”


Under MKULTRA I was literally erased and put to sleep for 58 years, while still operating in covert ops for my brother John.  Sleepers, are the people of the earth.  This entire world which is under the direction and puppetry of MKULTRA, is maintained and manipulated by the DRACOS.  All others are sleeping, only a small contingency is awakened.

I AM the Rabbit.  John, Steve and Durrell and the CIA and secret government took my DNA and my ovum and fetuses and made children from them.  Can I  prove this?  No.  Do I know it in my soul? Yes.  As MKULTRA's we are put to sleep through mind control, erased through electroshock with cattle prods and stun guns, given drugs, enslaved and taken, raped and pillaged, sold as currency.  

The women ARE the rabbits.  They travel in time, are sold on other planets (dimensions or planes) and are servants.  We serve as Presidential models, singers, galactic entertainers, and breeders who are fountains of genetic materials utilized by DRACOS and other species to propagate alternative hybrid species.

This Rabbit, MKULTRA was permitted to awaken from her slumber and to research and find out who she is.  To ask anyone to believe, is not a proposition I seek.  I started this Alice in Wonderland journey to find out who I am, and to find out why my entire life was erased from me.  I am finding out who my actual family is.  They are evil, DRAGO’s GREY hybrids, that appear as human but are not.  They do not feel, they simply consume, like the turtle.  

Never enough food, never enough money, never enough possessions, never enough sex; they use us for currency, trade us like playing cards, we are slave labor to wash their cloths, cook for them, clean their houses, have their children, whom they sell. They lie about everything to everyone.  They hide who they really are from the world and put on the face and smile of the crocodile because they are DRAGOs who actually have horns and tails.  They eat children and drink their blood and hide their Satanic heads in deep underground military bases. They are arrogant and supremist to their own DRACO race. Their motto is “the one with the most toys wins”. MKULTRA’s are the toys.  

Mengele wanted ABSOLUTE and FINAL mind control. Hitler’s Final Solution was to mind control the world, live slaves are better than dead ones, and to create an endless time loop by breaching time through creating new timelines. MKULTRAs/Monarchs may break programming but they ultimately will always return to their handlers, in absolute mind control.  

To date, I have found that there are millions of others under MKULTRA who are just now awakening with questions, as well as millions of counter intelligence agents who are eager to make money and off our stories and the stories of mind control, time travel, ET’s, advanced weaponry, DUMBs, secret space programs etc.  These counter intel psyops agents garner intel from the real super soldiers.  They assist in the character assassination of these MKULTRA super soldiers, by telling them to their faces that they are liars, saying “prove” this happened to you, when they are so assured that we can not prove because they have virtually erased any trace of evidence, they drug us with prescription drugs prescribed by CIA doctors and addict us to substances to discredit us as drug addicts, they tell us we are crazy.

My doctors at Scripps clinic prescribed over 50 different drugs for me to take, which I did because I am a compliant MKULTRA.  They prescribed seven drugs that caused hallucinations and then said “Penny you are hallucinating you are crazy.” Of course I am hallucinating, you gave me seven drugs to CAUSE hallucinations. They sent me to CIA doctors to diagnose me as crazy, and pump me full of drugs when there was nothing wrong with me.  Each MKULTRA doctor making their practice bigger and triggering me in each private session.  The absolute truth is that my handlers, and these scientists and doctors are absolutely insane, as is the entire DRACO population.  

The CIA NSA operatives, who infiltrate every organization university, hospital, corporate identity, all run by the Elite, lead the super soldiers into the paths of the evil entities like Lt. Col. Michael Acquino, head of the church of Satan, who will ensure that the super soldiers not serving their agenda are either arrested, put in a mental institution, murdered or attacked on an astral plane.  Standard Pysop as developed by Dr. Donald Ewing Cameron.

One such agent I encountered most recently is Peter Moon, Author of Montauk Project, Experiments in Time.  I spoke with him on Instant Messenger.  Peter is the author of over 15 books, many with the subject of Montauk. He told me he didn't know anything about MKULTRA.  

Pete said he "ghost wrote" Montauk Project.  According to his biography, he actually moved to Long Island, and met with many of the scientists involved in the project.  He became acquainted with Preston Nicoles who worked at Montauk. He was an electrical engineer by trade.  Peter had access to Montauk, of that there is no question.  This would mean Peter had unusual clearance and access, and is CIA, apprised of ALL the projects under Montauk which are MKULTRA, Time Travel, genetic experiments, biowarfare and advanced technology.  

Peter also worked with Dr. David Anderson of the Time Travel Research Center on Long Island (an MKULTRA doctor).  Dr. Anderson reincorporated in New Mexico (where else would you go).  Peter was invited by the doctor to Romania to discuss space time projects.  As you well know Dracula was from Transylvania, home to the DRACO reptilians, illustrated as the Tortoise, an overwhelmingly deceptive species.  Pennyslvania is the new Transylvania, named after me. Penny's sly Vania.

When I told Peter I was the actual little girl from Stranger Things and sent him a photo of my brother, Peter immediately tried to discredit me.  

First rule of thumb, when you are talking to me, don’t lie TO me ABOUT me.  Peter said that I had to "prove" that the Duffer Brothers stole my story in Stranger Things. I said, I did not need to prove anything.  The information is not proprietary.  I KNOW exactly who I am.  I don’t care how the Duffers got my story, how they say it was contrived, I know the truth.  I AM that little girl.  I told my handler Durrell, who is a doctor and Albert Speers son, that I knew that girl in Stranger Things is me. Durrell did not respond, silence is acknowledgement when the deep state CIA neither confirms or denies.  The manual for the CIA, their Bible is "The Art of Deception".  

I am not asking for credit, fortune or fame, unlike Peter Moon who has made quite a pretty penny off of his books.  I said a simple prayer to GOD, when the CIA decided I could actually recover my past. GOD reveal myself to me; I need to know WHO I am, and what happened to me, why my entire life has been erased.  Thru research and interviewing others daily I garner information, and intel and I recover shadow memories, erased to me from a shadow covert government that experimented on me for 60 years.  

It is well known that the Military and CIA OWN the entertainment field, and they have stolen people's memories, books, songs, and lives which they base all of the television series and movies upon. For anyone that doesn't know,  the media is owned by the leaders of the 13 illuminati bloodlines; starting with Rothschilds, who are the Bowman's, Bauman's, Baumgartners, Meyers, Meijers, Mahers, Mayers, Mayors, all Rothschilds.  They go by many names, hidden within their  anagrams and "front" names, which are not their actual names.  

The illusion that the CIA perpetrates is that fables, mythos and movies are not real, that sci-fi is not real.  Nothing is by accident.  Every move and movie is meticulously strategized by the deep state.  Those that make copious amounts of money are being permitted by the secret government to release a thimbleful of truth.  But then they try to make sure that if you understand the truth, that you are dismissed as crazy, drug addicted, alcoholic, homeless people, not to be believed.  The movies are real militarized strategized Intel. Everyone on the planet is in the movies; they are about you and your real life events.


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