Chapter 8: The White Rabbit

Chapter 8
The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit in Alice and Wonderland is named Nivens McTwisp.

Nivens McTwisp attacks using his pocket watch and can manipulate time. He is most noted for singing "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late, I'm late."  The White Rabbit always had the fear of losing his head.  In the Royal Tea Party the Rabbit heralds in the Queen of Hearts by blowing his trumpet, introducing both the King and Queen.

In Tim Burtons film, in which Johnny Depp plays the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit works for the Red Queen and is a secret member of the Underland Underground Resistance.  He was sent to search for Alice. The acronym Alice is a shooting scenario taught to children in order to avert a mass shooting strategized by CIA who send their MKULTRA assassins.  Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate.

Johnny Depp was the Mad Hatter in Alice and Wonderland, because he IS MAD. Johnny Depp went to my middle school.  He graduated in 1976, when I graduated from high school. He is a Vampire.  He has a band called the Hollywood vampires.  He works with its Marilyn Manson, and hails Say-Ten.  He drinks the blood of children and eats their flesh as all of the Hollywood entities and creatures do.  I know, I was born in Hollywood, Florida, and was in performing arts my whole life, especially if you count performing sex acts on entertainers and people in the White House.  I also lived and worked in Hollywood, California for 38 years.  

How does Nivens McTwisp manipulate time?  He uses a portal, a stargate, time travel machines, the astral plane, wormholes, rabbit holes, pyramids, space ships and he is an inter dimensional being, like the DRACO shapeshifting species and the Greys.  I gave three men, or so I thought they were men, pocket watches: 

The three men I gave pocket watches to were:
1. D., Albert Speer's son, (Hitler’s Architect) whom I call Brad; CIA, a head of MKULTRA, a general in the DUMBS; and a Grey, the actual Grey Pope;
2. Steve Xenos (Dr. X) my ex husband, CIA geneticist who worked from my brother John; and
3. John, CIA, A DRACO, a general in the DUMBS, a head of MKULTRA and progeny of Joseph Mengele (Hitler’s copiously evil scientist who murdered MILLIONS), the actual Black Pope and twin to Michael Acquino, Lt. Col. of US army, psychops expert, a general in the DUMBS, head of the church of Satan, aka Set.

Niven’s name is a Gaelic patronymic (words patron and Mic); Mac Naoimhim from Naohm, meaning Saint. A derivative of one of the aka’s John lives under.

Niven is a name for someone who lived in Ayr Shire.  MacTwisp; Twisp means yellow Jacket.  John was my agent and I had sex with him for over 5 decades. He tortured and erased me so each time I met him I didn’t remember who he was.  I did not know he was my biological brother until Steve Xenos, my now dead ex, told me in May of 2017.  

I was given to John at birth by Joseph Mengele who made me to breed with John.  I was never to know who John was, consequently I was erased a million times, chemically, through hypnosis, through electroshock, through rape and water boarding and trauma, inducing a bond supposedly unbreakable, in combination with DNA binding, majic binding, and technology binding, mind control.  I was also erased with advanced technology.  The "flashy thingy" in Men In Black is real.

In the 90s John became my agent, and he put me in a band called Stinger.  Bee, Honey, Stinger, all Code words.  Twisp means yellow jacket.  Yellow Jackets now are being used for Q, and a symbol of the resistance in France in the ongoing war there.

There is a Twisp in Washington State; a possible meaning is tsiksitsi which means “crawling turtle.”  Thru many sources my brother John verified to me that he is the black pope.  The turtle is an illuminati figure.  There is the "turtle club" an exclusive club in which when one gains entrance though devotion to the Freemasons and High Magic, they have automatic entrance thru many illuminati doors.  My brother John is an entertainment agent, who represents many huge Hollywood stars.  John represented a ventriloquist who used a puppet that was a turtle named Winston. 

In John Wick, John Wick goes to the Continental Club for safe haven.  He asks for the Pope, at the Continental. The Pope’s name is Winston.  My brother John made me John Wick.  He IS the Vatican and the Vatican ordered the murder of my brother, his brother, David, in 2007 in Mission Beach, San Diego, California.    

On orders of the Vatican my mother Milli was murdered by her doctors after holding her captive for many years.  In 1983 I was called down to Florida around November 22, when the CIA caved her head in with a hammer and then used me to put her in an institution because they lied and said she was crazy; she was not.  

The CIA said my brother David was crazy after he worked at Hyperion Water District in LA, and saw what they were doing with the water.  David also worked at Mammoth Lakes water district and the CIA sent a hit man there to stomp on his face with steel boots.  They reconstructed David’s face with steel and put the Voice to Skull (aka Voice to God) technology in him where they utilized software to emulate the Voice of God.  Then the CIA MKULTRA doctors says “Hey Dave are you hearing voices? Is God talking to You? You must be schizophrenic.”

My CIA MKULTRA husband Sam worked for my brother John.  He mind controlled and drugged me, took me to various churches, utilized me for covert ops from 1992-2015, microwaving, drugging and disabling me.  Brad and John never went away; they showed me that when they gang stalked me in Branson, from September 2016 to March 2017. It started again when I left Sam in March of 2016; more than likely on my two brothers birthdays, when I was on my way to my NSA brother’s house in Chicago.

Sam drugged and murdered my dog Baxter.  So they murdered my mother, my brother and my dog, essentially making me John Wick.  They send assassins to me on a weekly basis.  I was gassed in one place and poisoned by the NSA in a public eating establishment.  The NSA breaches every telephonic conversation on the face of this planet.  They breach all computers, IPads, and all social media.  That is a huge amount of information.  Where is the repository located?  

When I was in Branson, John hacked my computer and the google server and took all of my business emails from me.  He sent ONE email to my gmail account.  It was from Wet Seal, a clothing company.  It had two little hearts and a ok sign and said "Hey Babe". It said "glad to be of service to an extraordinary loyal and dedicated woman for over 55 years."  Wet Seal does not say "Hey Babe" and it hasn't been in business for 55 years. My computer, iPad, phone and facebook were breached from San Paulo Brazil several times throughout the years; about 7 times in one month in 2017.  Who lives in San Paulo Brazil?  Mengele.  

Back to McTwisp, the White Rabbit in Alice and Wonderland.  There is a town and a river in Washington State named Twisp.  Twisp is a transuramic waste inspection project (my brother David was an agent, MKULTRA, in the Army, and trained in waste management.) Twisps is also a Welsh internet serial provider.

The March Hare in Alice in Wonderland or HEIR or HERR

Herr Mengele
Joseph Mengele was born March 6, 1911;
Rolf Mengele was born March 16 ,1944, 33 years later.  There are 33 degrees for a Mason (after that they have names);

David, my murdered brother, looked like Rolf; John looks a little bit like David.

John was born March 19, 1955, 11 years and 3 days after Rolf. 

I was born August 11, 1958.  My name is 11 on the series Stranger things.  Eleven is El, or God.  ELAH is Evolutionary Life Above Human.

The March Hare in Alice and Wonderland is MAD.  I have been told Mengele is MAD; I was told John is MAD; when I visited Durrell, Albert Speer's son, he was pretty crazy.  How can you be the Vatican, eating babies, sacrificing them to BAAL and be sane?  You can’t.

The March Hare is called Haigha, it means thanks.  It is also Haggai in the Bible.  Haggai was a prophet.

In Fiona Barnett’s “Hang on For the Ride” she talks about her experience with MKULTRA.  She speaks about programming doors.  We had a long talk the other day.  Fiona is the real thing.  She is an amazing woman.  I came to love her for who she is.

Fiona said there were five programming doors
1. Green
2. Blue
3. Red
4. White
5. Yellow.

The five Doctors that Programmed her were:

1. Dr. Anthony Kidman (Nicole Kidman’s father, father, torturer of the Kid “Kidman”
2. Dr. Julian West
3. Dr. John Gittinger
4. Dr. Michael Acquino, Church of Satan, Lt. Col. Of US Army, head of MKULTRA, psyops, twinned with John, my brother
5. Dr. Mengele (Joseph, and my brother John)

Fiona spoke of doors and rooms behind the doors.  I hung photos of open doors in my hotel room at the Marriott in San Diego when I was with John.  I also hung a poster of the Unforgiven. These entities ARE the unforgiven.  They come to our planet and take everything good and utilize it for their evil agenda.

The doors she said were: 
1. Red - blood, Ritual abuse, SRA
2. White - Hypnosis 
3. Yellow - drugs pharmacology
4. Green - Intellect (also Mengele's aka is Dr. Green)
5. Blue - Super Soldier

Fiona said Dr. Mengele had a White Rabbit on his door.  His name was the name they did not say, like in Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort was the dark lord, the name we do not mention.

When I was talking with John in 2016, I still did not know who he is or that he is my brother.  I was entranced, MKULTRA "spelled" and “in love” with John.  I was at WillowCreek Church, Bill Hybels mega church in Barrington, Illinois.  

Bill knows who I am because all the church leaders serve DRAGO’s, who ARE the SATANS depicted in the bible. All churches and temples give 10% of their money to the Vatican through Rick Joiner and his wife, the Joiners, who join all the churches.

The Mengeles are DRAGOS, or SATANS. The Satans are the 13 bloodlines which are the bloodlines that make up earth. In these bloodlines are the controllers of earth like the m Rothchilds and the Bow-men.  

One day I was at Dr. B’s, a coffeehouse in WillowCreek, Bill’s wife Lynn introduced herself to me.  I said “Pleasure, my name is Penny L.A. Shepard.”  She asks “Are you the MK?” I say “I am an MK, but not the MK”.  She is talking about the MKULTRA sent by John and Durrell, who she and her husband know very well.

In April of 2018 Bill retired early from WillowCreek due to allegations of sexual impropriety.  He DM’ed me on Twitter when I was incarcerated in an institution in Rochell, Illinois which is 33 minutes from Rockford, Illinois where John Owen Brennan, head of CIA under Obama and his buddy Michael Aquino, Church of Satan, Temple of SET Operation Phoenix, Mind Wars, Presidio, were both trained by a Ukrainian NAZI named Karkoc, according to Jessie Czebotar, who was trained as a mother of Darkness. 

I had asked Bill "what are you doing in Germany Bill?"  He dm'ed me and said “you are blessed Penny”. Then he blocked me. Then the entire Elder Board of WillowCreek resigned in August of that month.

I was sitting in WillowCreek in 2016 and 2016 and texting with John.  I talk with both John and Durrell when I was at WillowCreek. While I was sitting in a tech rehearsal for the band, for their televised show, I texted John a snapshot of the stage set which is  a jail cell; they are talking about Jesus in jail.  I say “John, you are the only one who understands me.”  He says “wanna see what I am working on?”  I say “yes” He sends me an email (since removed by my NSA brother) that says he is working on a deal for a singer.  He is getting her $3,000 for one song.  When I worked for John I worked 7 days a week for $600.00; he got half of my salary on corporate casuals. He lives in a 10,500 square foot house (just one of his wolf's lair's) and gets between 50,000 to a million for one gig from a client.  I went bankrupt after working for John.  That is friggin GREEDY MAN.  He also slept with me when I worked for him.  He shows me the deal he is brokering.  It is for $3,000 for the singer to sing the song “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane.

If you Google the meaning of White Rabbit, it symbolizes purity, love and tenderness; it symbolizes magic and manifestations.  It is a sign that life will be more beautiful.  The White Rabbit symbolizes abundance, warmth,  fertility and faithfulness.  All of these things that John is not, that Steve was not, that Durrell is not.  They were and are selfish, greedy men, who took everything from me.  They experimented on me, took my ovum, my fetuses, took my DNA, made babies and clones from me, kept me caged, raped me in Langley, Area51, and Montauk.  Sold me as their property.  Put me in porn, and erased me.  I was a cosmic joke to them.  These entities that are German GER which means GREEDY GER-man, GREEDY MAN. They are NOT human, they are DRACO and GREY, shapeshifters and the blight on humanity.

When I tell people about MKULTRA they say, “oh so sorry that happened to you Penny.”  I say “it is not about me. It is about humankind.  It is about what these DRAGOS and GREYS have done to human kind.  It is about the actual Shadow Government that is actually running the planet earth.  It is about what these malevolent ETS that appear as human, have done to MILLIONS of us on this planet.  It is about what they are going to do.  The Agenda21.  The plan to eradicate anything that isn’t them.  Any one that does not comply.  

There is a resistance.  There are those of us who are speaking out about the unspeakable global atrocities that are on going.  MKULTRA is the umbrella name for all cover ops perpetrated against mankind.  They say they are LEGION, demonic DRAGO GREY entities bent on our destruction.

We are in ENDGAME.  They have planned, they have strategized.  It is revelations, in the bible, where we now are actually seeing them for who they actually are.  Reptilians who live in deep underground military palaces and who have infiltrated our government globally.

The question is what are we going to do about it?


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