Chapter 25: Do you See What I See; KISS my ASS KISS; Antifa Terrorists Preparation for Coordinated TET Offensive

Do You SEE What I SEE?

I was born into MKULTRA, Project Genesis, SubProject Eve.  I became awakened, AGAIN, in March of 2016, when I left my Satanist Hitler pedo deep state CIA husband and began to recover from my last erasure of 26 years.  It was a slow “kill” slow erasure involving teams of MKULTRA doctors who convinced me that if I didn’t take the drugs they told me to, that I would die and/or be in constant wretched pain, which I was for many years.  The MKULTRA doctors in my family and who they sent me to CAUSED the pain I was in and the drugs did not stop the pain.  The drugs simply erased my already compliant mind as the CIA continued to experiment on me.  The events of my life literally rival the Netflix Series Stranger Things, which character, Eleven, is actually ME. Stranger Things is sanitized in comparison to my real life. It was much much worse.

When I say I became awakened again, I meant that we ALL are born with epigenetic knowledge in our DNA from past lives.  If you do not believe in past lives, which I didn’t, and I now do, then ponder that this epigentic DNA memory is simply the residual from our genealogical predecessors within our lineage.  Water retains memory.  The human body is substantially comprised of water. Ponder that.

We collectively, as a human species, have been systematically ERASED, hoodwinked, hypnotized, experimented on, genetically hybridized, drugged and implanted into a NAZI eugentics experiment optimized to achieve the Elite ruling Uber super solider and a zombie slave race.  As for myself I have been erased a million times, not just in past lives, but in THIS life.  I remember as a child being smart, then stupid, then smart, then stupid, then smart.  Satanic ritual abuse and experimentation, via electroshock, hypnosis and drugs, and light can re-erase any memory that you have of the most recent events, down to your core memory, erasing you to the state of a baby, slate wiped clean for reprogramming.  The nuerolizer in Men In Black is real.  Light can be used as a weapon or it can be used to heal people.  We can use light to whiten our teeth. Lasers, combined light and heat can restore eyesight, or when used as a weapon, like BLM and Antifa are currently doing, it can permanently blind. The refracted light from a disco ball can send an epileptic into a seizure of death.  Light can hypnotize you.

Pharmacology: Herbal and synthetic MKULTRA uses:

When the CIA abducts you, for their ritual rape and murder, they use drugs.  They will drug your food, drug your drinks, or simply inject you with a drug to engender a completely unconscious state, or a compliant awakened state of conscious anesthesia.  A ruffie, Rohypnol, aka the date rape drug, is a drug which engenders the state of conscious anesthesia.  Doctors use conscious anesthesia drugs when they operate on you when they need you to move or respond to their commands.  

MKULTRA CIA doctors are well apprised of pharmacology, as are the “cooks” for the cartel who chemically create the drugs. The “cooks” are chemical experts, and “doctors”. The legit MD’s who went to medical school and who are working with the CIA and MAFIA and cartel, will prescribe drugs which will cause suicidal ideations, and hallucinations and then when you ARE hallucinating they will say you are crazy.  These doctors ALSO use conscious anesthesia drugs to abduct, rape and erase you.  The Zombie drug, aka “devil’s breathe” is derived from the flower of the “borrachero” shrub found in Colombia.  The seeds when powdered and extracted contain a chemical similar to scopolamine.  It has been used for hundreds of years by South Americans in spiritual rituals.  

Spiritualists, and Spiritual Rituals

Rachael Gordon, who I have spoken to on several occasions, is Ace Frehley’s common law ex wife.  Ace Frehley was the co founding member of the band KISS. Rachael told me over and over she is a spiritualist and said that she was read to “disclose” about Kiss. I believe Rachael is MKULTRA controlled.

Rachael said that Gene and Ace were afraid of her.  One wonders exactly why Gene and Ace would be afraid of her.  Rachael said she tried to “heal” her Satanist NAZI husband.  Heal his body from drugs.  Healing his mind would not have been possible as the ability to heal Ace and Gene would involve casting out demons.

Rachael told me she doesn’t believe in monsters, demons or Jesus.  Guess what Rachael, all three are real. 

After three days of talking to her when she made that statement, and also after telling me she had been given to a producer as a child, and then that she had a wonderful childhood, I blocked her. I can't help those who are still living the program. Only you can fix yourself, but you have to know something is wrong first. Rachel is MKULTRA and does not even have a clue. ACE was and is her handler, as was GENE.

What kind of spiritualist does not believe in demons? Most spiritualist literally conjure up demons and channel them. 

So why would Ace and Gene be afraid of her?  Because she is suing Gene for sexual harassment?  What does Rachael know. I had a handler that told me "you do not know what you know until you know it."

Witches, like Steve Nicks, are adept in their ability to destroy with spells and herbs and conjure more powerful demons. Rachael said she did not believe in demons which is funny because she was living in and amongst demons who are Satanists, trafficking women, sleeping with men and children. Rock and roll hedonistic lifestyle is on parade for all to observe and partake in. 

Rachael admits ACE was totally controlling and always high on a dangerous concoction of drugs. ACE is her handler, and she wants him back. 

I blocked Rachael because I watched her flip between being a victim and then saying she had an awesome magical life. Now I believe she is MKULTRA handled.

Rachael approached me initially stating she was going to “disclose” about Kiss. After the first day in speaking with her it crossed my mind that Rachael may be trying to capitalize on those who are moving forward to speak about “Hollywood” and their Satanic ritual murders of children, whom they eat and drink their blood, except that Rachael never once indicated that Ace and Gene’s problems were anything other than pedestrian, i.e. drugs, deviant sex and greed.  She spoke over and over of Gene’s fervent love of money, and that she was going to “bitch slap him with his wallet”.  It just cones off very badly in her defense like greed meets greed. But then, ACE controlled ever aspect of her life and took everything from her.

Gene Simmons sued along with Ace Frehley by Rachael Gordon for $35 million for sexual battery and palimony

San Diego, California–Rachael Gordon, the wife of Ace Frehley and owner of SpaceAceMusic Inc is suing Paul Daniel “Ace” Frehley for $10m in a San Diego Superior Court. Gene Simmons is also being sued for sexual battery and damages for $25m in a related suit stemming from occurrences since January 2018.

Gene for sure is Mossad, high ranking Illuminati,and a NWO Satanist. I wonder does Rachael have intel that maybe she does not know because she is MKULTRA? I asked her why was Gene giving a briefing at the Pentagon.

Narcissist Simmons is on my evil brother John's list of clients.

When Gene was asked about Harvey Weinstein on Fox News, Gene responded how interesting it was that Fox wanted the opinion of someone who dresses like him and sticks their tongue out and wears money bag logos on their head.

The Tongue represents the Snake Tongue of Satan, it is an illuminati trademark. Which begs the question why was Simmons, who talks about his family being in the holocaust- running from the NAZIS (just like Satanist NWO illuminatist Kissinger did) while giving a briefing from the Pentagon. 

The band members to this DAY lie that they are NAZIS; perhaps NWO Luciferians "do what thy wilt" followers of Crowley is a better definition. 

Gene is a Luciferian who sleeps with men and women alike, and has NAZI SS symbols in his promo. All good Satanists lie and deceive the public. Gene certainly has the right forum to do so under the cover of "Rock and Roll".

I had blocked Rachael earlier, a prior year after seeing photos of her riding Gene. But now after listening to her interview I am revisiting my original position. I unblocked her today, after seeing she is writing a book entitled Paperdoll. That was the name of my band before I went to work with John.

Here is a link to a current interview with Rachael: 

After I blocked Rachael the first time she came back a year later and said I was right about everything. She has a very sweet demeanor. I gave her a second chance. I am now giving her a third chance, I unblocked her again today, July 24, 2021, leaving the ball in her court. I told her to research MKULTRA.

MKULTRA creates alters, sex slaves. Rachael was a slave to ACE- she still says she loves him and wants him back. 

After 30 years I recontacted John; The trauma bond to him was unbelievable. I became addicted to his voice- the voice of my handler. You are told under MKULTRA you will DIE without this person.- I remember when I left John as my agent, I cried for six months; I thought my heart would break. This is trauma bonding to your handler, it is not love. 

Ace had sex with his male band mates, used Rachael for her to cook, clean, write music, sing vocals, entertain his Satanist pals, etc. He put himself before her and told her "I come first"; he enslaved her, never married her, took her house, her money, basically mind fucked her, and she still wants him back. That is not just irrational- that is CLASSIC MKULTRA and the psychopathic narcissistic Luciferan agenda.

What exactly was Rachael going to “disclose” about KISS. I thought when she contacted me she was going to say that they were Satanists, but Rachael doesn't believe in Satan. She also said she does not believe in God. The Drago Reptilians are REAL, and they are the species of Satans depicted in the bible, and they are running the secret government, and Rachael Gordon is MKULTRA asleep-- wake up Rachael.

The world needs to know how that the members of KISS lie about everything and pretend that it’s all just a “show”.  The world needs knows how evil they are and that their Satanic agenda is the corruption and infiltration of adults and children.  

Rachael ALSO said she does not believe in EVIL, that there are just stupid men who use Satanism as an excuse to do bad things.  She texted me “Satanism is the silliest bullshit excuse for assholes to get away with the unspeakable that I have ever heard because there is no such thing as a hooved monster with horns.”  

Really Rachael, because my evil brother John HAS horns on his temples and writing on his forehead, which you can see upon close examination of his photographs.  John IS being worshipped in renderings in Bill Hybels Mega “Christian” church, Willowcreek, in a life size rendering which hangs in the prayer and worship room.  While I have not seen his “cloven hooves” he is hairy all over, and he does shapeshift, because he is a DRAGO Reptilian Prime, not human.

KISS’s goal, as are all Satanic band’s goals, is to make a Satanic army of “cult” followers, who will then engage in rape, mayhem, drugs, orgies and demonic rituals in keeping with following the societal rules and paeanistic mantra of sex, drugs and “rock and roll”.  

Why is KISS afraid of Rachael. If she is not a high priestess for the “dark lords”, which now I don't think she is, maybe she is a really good person that is just an MKULTRA and she has no clue. I can't say for certain but my research screams MKULTRA.

Rachael states that over and over that she still loves Ace-- Ace who is a majorly flawed human being who has sex with men and collects NAZI parephenalia.


Witches, like demons, do exist. Witches utilize the knowledge of herbal pharmacology.  They are well apprised of herbs which can drug, render “walking dead zombie” states of mind and kill.

Herbal Pharmacology continued:

The compound of scopolamine when ingested or inhaled can lead to hallucinations, lack of free will and amnesia. It is a favorite of the witches and witch doctors, and is easily obtainable.  Scopolamine is present in Jimson Weed or Datura stramonium, a plant found in most of the continental US. Its most common form is most often found in a weakened concentration to eliminate symptoms of motion sickness or sea sickness.  It can ward off post operative nausea and vomiting.  Scopolamine can also render a victim unconscious for 24 hours or more.  In large doses it can render respiratory failure and death.  It can be blown into the face, or absorbed into the blood stream in a more potent concoction thru oral administration in liquid or powder form administrated in foods and beverages.

These drugs and other more potent synthesized versions of these types of drugs, which incapacitate the intended victims, i.e. children, are distributed to the cartel and transnational sex trafficking orgs.  The drugs are used as currency, just as we are, for we are the currency of “human slaves”. I, like many targetted individual's and MULTRA’s, HAVE been drugged, erased, raped, electroshocked, hypnotized, implanted with technology and impregnated with genetically altered ovum.  Many invitro patients found out that they were implanted with ovum which was fertilized by the sperm of their doctors.  Which begs the question are ALL the ovum used for implantation genetically enhanced.  The invitro process requires egg harvesting.  What happens to the additional eggs harvested when the subject no longer wishes to become pregnant? Are women EVEN getting implanted with their own extracted ovum?

I have had my ovum harvested (unbeknownst to me) and had my fetuses taken, which were then implanted in other subjects and babies and clones were created from my DNA.  The eggs and sperm can be frozen forever. Thus Hitler’s sperm, Albert Speer’s sperm, Mengele’s sperm, Eva Braun’s ovum, Joseph Mengele’s two wives ovum, Irene and Martha, are still locked in some deep freeze vault at Langley or in Germany somewhere in a deep underground military base to be used to create a race of Hitlers, Mengeles and Speers.  Now throw into the mix ALIEN DNA, recombinant DNA and anyone with financial means to propagate an entire race of their DNA line can create genetically altered super soldiers with unique powers of telekinesis, telepathy, etc.  The EASTER BUNNY distributes baskets of “eggs” all over the world. Mengele IS the Easter Bunny.

Jeffrey Epstein was a follower of Hitler and Mengele, and for sure knew my evil brother John, who was Mengele’s protégée.  Epstein was a Satanist NAZI and expressed the desire to create or “seed” an entire race from his DNA. The title of the below article states “Jeffrey Epstein Hope to See Human Race With His DNA”.  The propagation of Epstein’s “species” would not be “human”, and, it has already been done. Epstein DID make babies and clones from his DNA.

From this same NY Times article:

“Mr. Epstein attracted a glittering array of prominent scientists. They included the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Murray Gell-Mann, who discovered the quark; the theoretical physicist and best-selling author Stephen Hawking; the paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; Oliver Sacks, the neurologist and best-selling author; George M. Church, a molecular engineer who has worked to identify genes that could be altered to create superior humans; and the M.I.T. theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek, a Nobel laureate.”

He gave billions to scientists and research laboratories who were availed of the cloning techniques, and a myriad of geneticists, many unknown, adept at modification and hybridization were his  “pal” scientists who worked at huge CIA research facilities who stored his DNA, and also the DNA of his murdered victims.  Is Epstein dead?  Or did they switch out his body with one of his clones?


In 1992 I was given to Sam (DRE) aka “the doctor”.  When Sam told me his favorite band growing up was Black Sabbath, I should have known then he was fricken evil as shit.  

August 15, Second Contact

August 15, 2020 at 6:27 pm I received a message from Racheal Gordon, who was married to Ace Frehling from KISS.  I had blocked her last year.  The reason I blocked her is because KISS is a SATANIC band. Rachel DENIED that KISS meant Knights in Service of Satan and also was an acronym for Kids in Service of Satan.

My good friend Elizabeth Beckman has been repeatedly raped, beaten, had her tongue sliced in half, had a baby in a bathtub by herself, and has ben horribly satanically ritually abused throughout the years.  Elizabeth said when she was a child her brothers dressed up like KISS and raped her while playing their music.

Here is what she said when she read my blog: 

"I was gang raped for YEARS to KISS music as a small child - the tongue, the blood, the urine, the costumes, snakes, etc.  THEY ARE SATANIC - how in the world would a BROTHER who was involved with my SRA rapes for years GO TO A CONCERT to memorialize my TORTURE that he WITNESSED and was a part in. Is is ANY WONDER I have no contact."

Rachael Gordon opened a new FB account and she instant messengered me. She said 

“its Rachael, I understand now! I must talk to you!  I am revealing the truths of what’s been done to me and the horrifying things I know and have witnessed after 12 years inseparable with Ace, he has left me without a cent and things are scarier than that.  I really need to talk to you.” If it wasn’t Rachael Gordon, she did a very good impression on her behalf.

I initially responded trepedaciously, ok.  Then I took a walk to determine if she was sincere or not.  I texted I would put her in my contacts.  I said “we did this before”. I said “are you mocking me? Did John ask you to call me.”  I said “this is not a joke, I actually help SRA victims. If Gene asked you to contact me I am going to give you a message to give to Gene AND John, which will never change.  Tell them both Penny said to fuck off down the road.”  I gave her my phone number and said you are welcome to text my phone; if I find out this is a trick, I will block you and tell everyone who you are.”

John represents KISS and Gene and John know each other well.  John is deep state CIA, head of MKULTRA and the Black Pope of Entertainment.  John goes by Satan Yahweh.  Gene is Mossad and reports to John.  In May of 2019 Gene briefed the DOD at the Pentagon.  It made the news.  I asked myself, why the fuck is Gene Simmons giving a press briefing at the Pentagon.

Gene’s character in KISS is called DEMON, because he IS a DEMON.  He was born in Israel and moved to NY when he was eight.  Gene must have given his heart to the “Satan’s” as a child.  He is a well known Satanist who performs with Satanists Marilyn Manson, Johnny Depp’s band the Hollywood Vampires and Satanist Alice Cooper.  

My former base player Robert Coulson, pictured on the right in the below photo, is friends with Alice Cooper who paints his face like a clown and sings Satanic songs.  Alice pretends its just a show and he is really Christian.  What... a farce. 

Robert now owns eateries.  He owns the D’Vine in Mesa Arizona and owned the D’Vine in Chandler Arizona.  In December 2019, he closed the popular 12 year old hangout D’Vine Bistro and Wine Bar in Chandler and opened the Amaroni at St. Amand Kitchen and Cocktails on April 30th. Robs ex. Chef Ramon Rice came up with the name with he states pays homage to the patron Saint of winemakers, brewers, distillers and bartenders. 

The Angel Moroni (Maroni same phonetic name) is the Angel stated by Joseph Smith to have visited him on numerous occasions, beginning on September 21, 1823.  Moroni is featured prominently in Mormon architecture.    Moroni was thought by the Later Day Saints to be the same person as the Book of Mormon prophet warrior named Moroni. The angel was the guardian of the golden plates buried in the hill Comoran near Joseph Smith’s home in W. NY.  The Saints believe the plates were the source material for the Book of Mormon. Moroni was the last to write in the golden plates and he buried them before he died after a great battle between two pre-Colombian civilizations.  When he died and became an angel he directed Smith to their location in the 1820s.  Smith said he returned the golden plates to Moroni after they were translated and, as of 1838, Moroni still had the plates in his possession.  Interesting name for food venue, where food is served upon plates.

Smith prepared the first edition of the Doctrine and Covenants in which he said a number of angels would come to the earth after the second coming and drink sacramental wine with himself and Oliver Cowdery.  Smith described Moroni as an angel of light.  Satan is known as the “false angel of light” and Joseph Mengele is known as the “angel of death.”  John, my evil brother, who looks like Joseph Mengele, was his protege and has effectively replaced him as the angel of death.  Moroni is known as the Angel mentioned in Revelation 14:6, “having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation and kindred, and tongue, and people.  The image of the angel Moroni blowing a trumpet is used as an unofficial symbol of the LDS church.  Moroni was placed on the Salt Lake Temple during a capstone ceremony on April 6, 1892.  On March 18, (my brother Rob’s birthday, and one day before my brother John’s birthday) 2020, the statute of the Angel Moroni on the Salt Lake Temple lost his trumpet as the result of a 5.7 magnitude earthquake.

There are Angel Moroni statutes in over 100 operating temples.  The Los Angeles Temple was the second Angel Moroni, Washington DC was the third Angele Moroni statute.  There are statutes in Seattle Washington, Jordan River Utah and Mexico CIty Mexico.  There is an Angel in Bern Switzerland. The Angel Moroni is the name of two separate characters in the Book of Mormon, another “story” of Jesus Christ. Moroni is the name of a city in Utah.

Moroni symbolized the restoration of the gospel in the LDS church.  Moroni symbolizes the spreading of the gospel throughout the world and the long-anticipated Second coming of the Savior, which will be announced the the trumpet-blowing angels. Mathew 24:31.

31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Rob had purchased the D’Vine in 2010.  He renovated his second D’Vine in Chandler, AZ three years after I contacted him in December of 2016, under the new Name St. Amand.  St. Amand,(Pierre) wrote The Libertine’s Progress: Seduction in the Eighteenth Century French Novel, translated by Jeffrey Curtis Gage.

Here is a brief synopsis:

In this reviewed and elegant translation from the French... Pierre Saint Armand offers a timely and provocative reading of the French 18th century novel that seeks to expose this century’s profoundly superstitious and mystical core.  Unlike other critics who have uncovered the other 18th century lingering behind the veil of reason, Saint Amand looks not to the writings of the Illumines, nor to those who explicitly rejected the triumph of reason, but to the literary texts that epitomize our understanding of the Enlightenment.  In the French novel of seduction, the author locates a terror of the supernatural world, a “diabolical intent” behind the Libertine’s seduction.  

This book was published by Johns Hopkins University Press.

In researching sinister Ivy League schools for the elite I found this:

A sinister side of secret societies that thrive on mayhem,mystery, conspiracies and “dining” or more commonly known as drinking.  What better venue to open than a bistro in which select Illuminati can gather and dine and drink.

The Ivy League illuminati schools are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Dartmouth and Cornell. The following are lists of schools and some associated Illuminati clubs as well as other secret societies.

Yale: Skull and Bones 322
Established in 1832.  Each year just 15 new members are chosen to join the select club and become Bonesmen and Boneswomen.  They are sworn to secrecy and forbidden to reveal what goes on behind closed doors.  Members meet twice a week in a windowless building called the Tomb.  In 1918 a group of Bonesmen, allegedly Prescott Bush father of George W. Bush, dug up the skull of Geronimo and took it back to the Tomb.  New members get $15,000 and a grandfather clock.  Steve’s Xenos’ father had a lot of grandfather clocks in his home.  Previous Alumni are George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, George W. Bush, John Kerry and William H. Taft, Paul Giiamatti, David McCullough, William F. Buckley.  My evil brother John is good friends with the Bush family.

U of Virginia: Seven Society
Established in 1905 the Seven society is so secret that members aren’t made public until after their deaths. A wreath of lack magnolias in the shape of a Seven appears on the Gravesite.  John B. Alexander, the Penguin in the Aviary, aka John Assassin “6” Life time member of the National Pathfinder Association Number 77 since August 11, army National Adjutant, is a retired US Army Colonel, infantry officers leading advocate for the development of “non lethal” weapons, which are QUITE lethal, and developer of military applications of the paranormal.  John did not go to the University of Virginia, but he went to Walden, U of Nebraska Lincoln and Pepperdine.  John was a hardcore mercenary and became a thanatologist, a student of “death”.  Thanatology or deathlore is the scientific study of death investigating the mechanisms and forensic aspects of death.  John took his experimentation to fruition, testing weaponry to the death of the subject, taking DNA samples for cloning, reanimating bodies. John has a photo with his buddy Satanist Michael Aquino (alleged to be dead) at an AFIO meeting (Affiliated Former Intelligence Officers).  If anyone would be an honorary member of the Seven Society, it would be John B. Alexander.

Dartmouth: Sphinx Society 
Just 24 Jrs. Per year become the Krewe and see behind the wall of the Egyptian Tomb which is their HQ.  Alegedly the members have access to underground tunnels and an indoor pool known as Cleopatra’s pool.  25-30 new members tapped in their Jr. Year. Members: John Legend, Richard A. Clarke, Jeffrey Goldberg, Jon Hunsman Sr.  

A secret society with a rumored estate in Quebec, initiation and rituals allegedly borrowing from Welsh Druids

Brown University: Pacifica House
Formerly the Franklin Society started in 1824. Taps 15 Jrs each year.  It’s Latin motto means “see, Amand consequently you will conduct yourself property and irreproachable into the benefits of God, the Republican and the University.”  SEE is also the Holy SEE, the Vatican.

Illuminati order includes Yales Skull and Bones and Dartmouth’s Sphinx.  Members: Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay.

Washington and Lee University: The Cadaver Society
The article on Crimson states that they are the branch of the mother of all secret societies, the Illuminati (they all are Illuminati). The Cadavers also utilize a secret tunnel system.  They wander around campus at night dressed in black their faces covered with skull masks as they mark their “C” sign.  C also stands for SEE which is the Vatican.

Columbia: St. Anthony Hall
The Nachems and the Sachems and St. A’s. 20 men and women live in a townhouse full of locked doors on Riverside Drive with a hot tub on the roof.  Named for the Feast day of St. Anthony.  Known as the Fraternity of Delta Psii has 11 undergrad chapters.  Columbia was founded first and remains the Alpha Chapter.  The cover of Campire Weekend Albums debut album features a Polaroid of the St. A’s chandelier.  Adrenochrome anyone?  Famous Members Tinsley Mortimer, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti.

U of North Carolina: Order of the Gimghoul
Originally called the Order of Droomgold named after Peter Droomgold who vanished from campus 1833, rumored to be buried on campus somewhere. It’s HQ is a big spooky castle in the middle of UNC’s campus.  The members have a fondness for satanic iconography.  In every members photo there is something relating to Satan.  The foundations of the club are alleged to be based upon Knights of the Round Table.
University of Oxford: Bullyingdon Club 
Founded in 1780 most infamous university society in UK due to it elitism and trashing and smashing of local restaurants.  It was originally a sporting club dedicated to cricket and horse racing, now they are an all male “dining club”.  The dining clubs, are Illuminati clubs.  It escalates into a drinking club.  1927 the members smashed 400 windows at Christs Church college 2004 smashed 17 bottles of wine and Crocker at the 15th century White Hart Club. David Cameron, Boris Johnson, George Osborn, The Winklevoss twins, Teddy Roosevelt, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Franklin D. Roosevelt, are notable members.

Princeton: Ivy Club
Ivy is the oldest eating club at Princeton. Members sit for 10 interviews; 130 members must all agree on your entry. There are six selective clubs and five open clubs none more selective than ivy. Members Lauren Bush Lauren, James Baker, Woodrow Wilson, Michael Lewis.

Harvard University: Porcelain Club
Founded in 1794; Motto dum vicious vivamus “while we live, let us live”.  All male club. No one knows what goes on. The Clubhouse is known as the old barn, and is a three story mansion located directly across the road.  The clubs mascot is a pig.  Harvard has what is known as Final Clubs.   Members were originally called the Argonauts. If they have not made their first million by 40 the club will give it to them. Dwight D. Eisenhower was a member.

Cornell: Quill and Dagger
Between 1913 to 1984 at least one member of Quill and Daggre was in Congress each year. Members: Honorary Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Janet Reno, Andre Baltazar, Paul Wolfowitz, Charlottes Web author E.B. White, Lyft co-founder John Zimmer, resauranteur Drew Nieporent, and Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, Dir of NIAID, currently in Senate trials to determine if he is  complicit in research conducted at the Wuhan lab re Covid studies, which may have resulted in the virus outbreak of Covid in 2020.

Pierre Saint Amand, who I believe Rob’s restaurant is really named after, was born in 1957.  Pierre St. Amand is one year older than me.  He holds joint appointments with French Studies and Comparative Literature at Brown University (Illuminati school).  He received his Masters and doctoral degrees in Romance Languages from Johns Hopkins University.  John Hopkins is a research university. All research universities have performed research in MKULTRA.  

Pierre St. Amand taught as an assistant professor of French at Yale and Stanford.  All Illuminati schools. 

Interesting that in the above synopsis it states that Saint Amand looks not to the writings of the illumines, why? Because he IS an illuminati?  Yale Illuminati school is Skull and Bones.  

Stanford Research Institute
Stanford’s Research Institute is another Ivy League Illuminati, MKULTRA school which, like Johns Hopkins facility, is where Joseph Mengele tortured twin sisters,  one of whom has contacted me, who I will refer to as Agent Lamb; Agent Lamb’s twin has died, and her parents have died.  She is now trying to pick up the pieces of her erased life, like myself.

When I was at Durrell’s (Albert Speer’s son, Hitler’s architect) in Lake Havasu in December of 2016, I asked Durrell to take me to see Rob Coulson.  That meeting never transpired. Rob still has the D’Vine location in Mesa Arizona, and has not changed a thing there.  Rob sold bottles of wine at the D’Vine Bistro with Snakes on it. Interesting re the snakes.  Perhaps this wine is Rob’s special brew of adrenochrome for his pal Alice when he comes in to eat.

Rob was one of my base players in Durrell’s band Big Business.  Rob was my base player, Mark Staasevitch was my guitarist and Bob Bauman was my drummer.  I had various keyboard players, none who stand out at the moment.  The trio joked all the time about shocking me with cattle prods.  I did not understand their humor.  I know now that they joked about it because they either saw me being shocked or participated in the shocking or were told that I was shocked in the vagina with cattle prods.  I cannot say for certain.  I was hypnotized and erased.  I do know that Rob was always trying to sleep with me and trying to get me to read L Ron Hubbard’s MKULTRA Dianetics.  LaFayette Ronald Hubbard was an American science fiction author who founded the MKULTRA Church of Scientology.  Rob wanted me to refute JESUS Christ and join a Scientology cult.  L Ron was his MENTOR, he used to say.

L Ron Hubbard was born March 13, 1911 in Tilden Nebraska.  Joseph Mengele was born March 16, 1911, three days later, in Ginsburg, Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire. Since Rob knew Durrell, he most assuredly knew John, my evil Mengele brother.


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was a movie I watched many times with Illuminati Val Kilmer, who played Gay Perry, a gay detective and Iron Man’s Robert Downey Jr.  It goes into the sorted Satanic Hollywood world, of sex, cannibalism, suicide, incest, pedophilia, the film industry and assassinations.  I liken it to Keep it Simple Stupid, we are Knights in Service of Satan who will Bang you, Kids in Service of Satan.  We will Bang you (fuck you) and if you tell, we will Bang you, Kill you.

Kiss stands for Knights in Service of Satan and also Kids in Service of Satan, meaning KISS band members are Satanists pedos and are training children to be pedos and Satanists. Rachel told me the first time we spoke she didn’t know what KISS stood for.  Really Rachael... you didn’t know what it meant, never heard that definition of the acronym Rachael?  

When Rachael contacted me again, she said this time she was going to tell the world everything she knew about KISS. I thought, ok, maybe she is actually going to disclose and she really needed to talk to me.  I try to give people second chances.  

Today July 24, 2021, I opened up dialogue and sent a Rachael a rare third chance, which is unusual because even second chances are extremely rare for me today, knowing what I know. 

After the first day of talking to Rachael, I put on a “red” shirt and sweater.  I do not wear red as a rule.  When I do, I know I am going to be talking to a Satanist, or I am talking to a person under the Satanist influence.  I still was giving Rachael the benefit of the doubt.  Day two she calls me and begins to talk to me as I am walking through a graveyard. I had just told my "sister" Suzy to look at the headstone the name was Gordon and I am talking to Rachael Gordon. She CALLED me as soon as I called out the name.  Totally makes sense.  

She had told me she took prescription drugs for sleep, and I wondered if she has legit memory issues, or is MKULTRA handled as in our conversations she would forget what I told her.

By the end of day three, after I ask some friends to help her disclose, and my “benefit of the doubt” is wearing thin, I realize Rachael is nothing like targetted individuals, but she seems very MKULTRAed.  

She is disassociated but she also seems self absorbed. Maybe she's just finding her own self after being handled for years and years.

Real TIs are thirsty for the truth and are eager researchers.  Rachael talks of things of no consequence and consistently regales in tales regarding her “spiritualist power” over Ace and Gene, who she says she makes cower and cry.   

She tells me I should take time to go to the beach, which I find interesting because I am in a remote location hiding from the Cartel that killed my friend Chet Swift, who was Taylor Swift’s cousin and a USAF Sniper we believe took out Pablo Escobar.  I also have a hit out on me, so even if I was inclined to go to a beach-- it would literally make me a target..

Chet Swift was murdered on our Ranch June 21, 2020.  The Cartel that killed him also tried to kill my friend, who I call my real sister, Suzy, and her son Joel.  Chet was DEA and he trained cadaver and drug dogs and ran point in A’ Teams under his commanding officer, Satanist Michael Aquino. He served as special ops police security force for Nixon, Elvis, Gleason, The Queen of England, Princess Margaret, Bush, Chancelor Kohl and was at Mar a Lago.  Michael Kavenaugh, CIA under Clinton, interviewed him for security for the White House. Chet came to be a shield to Suzy, Joel and I and died when bullets blew his spine out of his back in a bloody firefight.   

None of this information seems to phase Rachael, who tells me I should find a good man, have sex and lay on the beach. This is a statement which indicate to me that Rachael has no understanding of any issues I have discussed to try and make her comprehend the parallels in our life. She appears totally under MKULTRA and totally disassociated from anything we discussed. Disassociation is the tool employed under MKULTRA.

I become angrier and angrier as I begin to realize she doesn't understand a thing I have told her. Is Rachael just a materialist who wants her manson and her drug addicted gay man back? Does Rachael know who KISS is, or doesn't she?

She tells me she desires to “obtain money” from the group by telling them to pay her to keep their story secret.  You know what? That is called extortion.  Whistleblowers simply tell the truth.  They don’t go back to their perpetrators saying give me money and I will keep silent.

Rachael told me that Gene’s God was money.  That God is named MULOCH. She does not mention Gene is also Mossad and reports to John, Satan Yahweh.  

Rachael said she was divested of the mansion she had previously lived in and that she still lives in San Diego. One of John’s offices is in Anaheim and Gene lives in LA, as far as I know. She said Ace liked to collect NAZI paraphernalia (what a surprise, because he IS a white supremist NAZI who likes to fuck men).  Ace’s Gods, like Gene’s are money, and fame.

I began to know something was odd when asked her to ask herself why Gene was at the Pentagon giving an on camera press briefing to the DOD, May 17, 2019, and she did not answer. She denied ever knowing John, which either she never met him, or she was erased. I can not say. 

Durrell denied knowing John for 60 years. Stupid is a Satanists greatest tool. That is their favorite game to play in the ART OF DECEPTION. 

Hogan’s hero’s was not the stupid Germans, but the smart Germans, feigning that they were stupid, to the stupid Americans. Was Rachael feigning stupid when she said “I never knew that KISS stood for Knights in Service of Satan.” Maybe, maybe she just thought that KISS was all just a "stupid show" but guess what Rachael it isn't. The show is that its pretend, when its not. These guys are literally DEMONS, but Rachael according to you there is NO Satan and NO Demons.

I tried patiently to figure out her responses to me for three days until I finally lost it.  I tried to see, was she a disassociated MKULTRA. She told me she had PTSD and took sleep medication.  MKULTRA's have PTSD.

Satanists also deny that there is a cloven footed entity that they worship.  Many simply worship power and money and sex. Those are their GODS. 

There are MANY anomaly’s which rival that depiction that the Reich has created.  I have never read the Satanic bible, and have no desire to do so.  But the greatest trick that the Satans (the SPECIES of DRAGO Reptilians ARE the SATAN’s in the Bible) pulled off was to say they do not exist.  The other LIE is that there is just one. NO they are LEGION.  They appear to be human, but they are not.  DRAGO Reptilians will manifest through the eyes in photographs.  Their eyes may appear slit like, snakelike.  The round iris will appear straight up and down, not round.

Sasha Lessin’s wife stated that Enlil and Enki were just playful entities.  I said, no, they are Satan’s.  When I talked with Sasha the first time on DM, I dropped my phone and started crying.  That means evil beyond recompense.  I cry when I am in the presence of DRAGO Reptilian Satans.  

But Rachael, who LIVED with Ace, and toured with Kiss and had Gene and his Satanic cronies in her home for over 12 years, dismisses everything.  Ace is just a sweet misunderstood drug addict, and Gene is just a silly fool who tried to molest her.  After three days of this I gradually lost it.  I realized Rachael was not actually looking for help. In some fucked up way, John and Gene put her up to contacting me, maybe thru the power of suggestion in a subliminal way. Maybe she was actually looking for the truth in a moment in time.

At one point in our conversation Rachael said she told Gene she did not believe in Monsters (Demons) or Jesus.  I was like what?  I told her repeatedly GENE and ACE are the monsters, they are pedo rapists that “fuck” one another, as she verified. 

DEMONS are real, but Rachael kept insisting they are not.  Usually I block someone who is like this after the first couple of hours of trying to get through.  But I gave her three days worth of chances before I blocked her.  

While denying demons are real, which EVERYONE who calls me and asks for help already knows they ARE real, she also then denies Jesus was real.  Every educated person on this planet, atheist to religious zealot, knows Jesus was a real historical person (even if you do not believe he was the son of God) who lived on this planet.  Jesus was a freakin superhero with super powers and a whistleblower on the Satans.  Jesus rocks and he is my rock.   Satan is no one’s rock; Satan is the rock that sinks the ship of Satanic fools.

ACE-hole Frehley

Ace was born Paul Daniel “Ace” Frehley, the lead guitarist and co-founding member of KISS.  Ace’s mother was from North Carolina.  So was my fake father Thomas Paul.  Ace grew up on 201 street also known as 200 street, in New York.  My mother and grandmother were born in New York.  John and his father and grandfather were born in New York.  I was raised on 202 street in Miami Beach.

He invented the character The Spaceman.  When Ace auditioned for the group, he wore one red sneaker and one orange sneaker.  This is code as well all know for CIA, and a member of the RED SHOE SATANIST CLUB.  The RED SHOE CLUB, torture, rape, murder and eat their victims, as well as wear them as shoes.

Ace developed the NAZI KISS logo with the lightning signs for SS, the stormtroopers.  They changed the shape slightly because Gene and Ace are of Jewish heritage.  You can be Jewish and be a Satanist too

From Rachael’s description of Aces sexual predilections it appears he is bisexual, but more on the “gay” side.  Just like Mick Jaeger, who slept with men, women and boys and little girls, it is the Satanic agenda.  Rachael seems to feel its just normal and Ace is really a good guy who occasionally threatens to send hit men to kill people who don’t do what he wants.

Ace was born April 27, 1951.  7 days after Hitlers Aug 20th birthday. He is 70, so he is seven years older than me.  My birthday is August 11, and I will be  turned 63, in 2021. Ace released a solo album October 19, 2018, entitled Spaceman.  This date is interesting as we know that the Satanists offer up sacrifices to the God Mulock (money) for the financial success of their endeavors.  

Marlo Croce

Marlo Croce was Rachael’s sister.  Rachael told me she had been estranged from her sister Marlo and that she had move to another state.  She said that Marlo had MPD, multiple personality disorder.  That is called MKULTRA Rachael. Roseann is MPD.

She said “my sister had a problem, I needed to save her.” There is this extremely sweet side to Rachael. 

Marlo Croce was married to AJ Croce, the son of Jim Croce.  Jim was best known for his hit Cat’s in the Cradle.  I remember playing at Croce’s in San Diego.  I researched Marlo per Rachael’s urging and discovered that Marlo was found dead in an apartment in Encinitas.  There was not much known about Marlo.  I told Rachael that I worked in Encinitas for Cosgrove and Birmingham in 2007, 2008.  There at the only coffee shop in an otherwise “sleepy” beachside town, I met Tom Delonge, formerly of Blink 182.  John sent Tom to me.  Tom said he was working on a band called Angels and Airwaves.  I thought he said Angels and Demons.  He might as well.  Delonge’s groups sing songs hailing Satan.

Rachael continually said there IS no Satan, which is pretty ignorant for someone working for him.  I said WRONG Rachael.  The SATAN’s are a SPECIES of malevolent beings depicted in the Bible.  They are YOUR PALS, Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, who went to my Jr. High School four years after I left, Marilyn Manson, KISS, GENE, ACE and a plethora of Illuminatists that John represents along with their millions of minion Satanic followers.  Seriously, if there was no Satan, why are ALL your PALS Hailing him?

The city where Marlo died in 2018 is Encinitas. It is significant because that’s where Satanist Delonge started to the Stars Academy in 2015, an alleged UFO construct, where former HEADS of CIA, NSA and geneticists work for the academy.  Marlo died July 20, 2018.  I had to look the date up on AJ’s page because Rachael couldn’t remember it. Three months later, Ace drops his album Spaceman. Sounds like a Satanic sacrifice to me.  But why sacrifice someone to Satan and his demons, if he’s not real? Hummmmm.

Rachael states that AJ, the day following Marlo’s death, mentioned that he was going on tour.  Rachael also tells me she was not permitted to go to the funeral and that she was told that Marlo was dropped naked in a grave, I believe she said in Marin county, with no gravestone.  Rachael said there were a bunch of different theories provided about Marlo’s death but the final story that was settled on was that Marlo had a sudden heart virus. Rachael said that Marlo did not have heart problems.  She said that Marlo was found by the La Paloma Theatre in Encinitas in an upstairs apartment naked with soma strewn around her and she had bruises on her body.  Rachael said Marlo did not sleep in the nude. She said Marlo was introverted.  She said that Marlo and AJ had moved to Nashville and that Marlo had stopped talking to her.  Rachael said she got a call from Ray, who she had known in high school, who told her that Marlo had been renting an apartment in Encinitas where she had been living for over a year.  She said Ray told her Marlo had been found with a pile of somas around her, naked and the sheets were wet.  He said she was on her side and had bruises all over her body.  He said random EMT’s took her and all of AJ’s friends sided with AJ.

I believe Marlo was drugged, raped, and Satanically sacrificed. July 20-26 on the Satanic Calendar: Celebration Day: Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim for the Grand Climax; July 25 is the gathering of herb; July 27 Grand Climax 5 weeks and one day after the summer solstice, Da Meir, oral, anal, vaginal human sacrifice, female, child or adult. But Rachael doesn’t believe in Satan or Demons, or Satanic sacrifice, that’s just silly.

Rachael had mentioned that she ran away at 14 and ended up at Norman Lear’s house.  She said she stayed there for a month or two and many people came to the house.  She said Norman offered her a thousand dollars to KISS her ass, but she said no, and he put it on the dresser for her anyway.  She said she remembered her grandfather calling and making a deal with Norman on the phone, essentially selling her. THATS MKULTRA-- she would have no idea is she had already been drugged and raped as a child; but I can't get her to understand what I am saying to her.

At the point that Rachael started telling me she had a perfect life and nothing ever happened to her, I had already lost my temper. I had given her resources which she said were not applicable to her in regards to SRA.  I encouraged her to research to no avail.  She texted: I am doing everything I can do.  I appreciate you! Believe me.  I also see a light at the end of the tunnel and I must take time to breathe and swim in the pool. If all I do is research 24 hours a day and clutter my mind with “only” negative things happening I would be a robot. 

Really?  Because I am not a robot and I do research 24 hours a day.  I take calls, I talk to everyone, I engage in every aspect of the wars that are being fought by terrorists BLM and ANTIFA as our country is slowly disintegrating at the hands of Soros terror factory.   I am not a robot.

Racheal texts: I can’t type as fast as you.  I’m on my phone.  I don’t give my computer a desk; its a computer,   It’s a thing I use sometimes, but letting a computer have a desk and a room is letting the computer take too much of your mind.

I am drawing to the end of my patience reservoir.

I am into being aware, she states.  Contacting the right people and making sure I have the time to take care of myself, watch old movies and laugh too.

I respond.  I just got out of the shower. I am having a lot of technical issues, I am in a remote location and my calls keep dropping.  I can’t do the research that I need to do. My head set keeps going in and out.  It is very frustrating. I am a technologist.  I had my own legal business.  I typed pleadings for huge law firms and could probably type a brief in a pinch.  I utilize technology as a methodology of communication.  I have no trashiest thoughts that the technology will overtake me.  

I just want you to know that you have been controlled your entire life; you have had the illusion of freedom.  When you moved out of your house, even though you are situated in another, they effectively ReHome you or made you homeless.  Psyop step one, unfamiliar surroundings, people knocking on your door saying you have to move etc.  I KNOW the protocol.  It took me two years before I stopped asking why do I love John.  I researched DAY and NIGHT.  

You were groomed your entire life for slavery in the industry, just as I was.  This is YOUR life. I will not ever tell you what to do, you need to make all the decisions.  If I give you a name, research it and YOU decide what to do.  I tell people how I got my memories back; its a unique methodology.  I do not do your research or write your story; only YOU lived your life.  Only you can decide who what when where and why.  You deprogram yourself through your own research. Simple.

A computer is simply a tool — you use a fork to eat.  You can use your hands to eat, but a fork is better and more expedient method to eat with; The fork dos not take over your life.

Rachael states: I agree; only I have been a lot of things; Homeless was never one of them.  I’ve had wonderful boyfriends and a good life.  I owned a high end vintage clothing shop in the 90’s; I’ve toured Europe with my first album.

I state: You have been Re-homed, you need to understand the protocol.

Rachael: I have an extremely sharp memory. I can remember crawling, which I didn’t do for long. Lol.  

At this I pause because I spend an entire day trying to get her to understand that the twitter address following the at sign on a photo I sent her was NOT an email address, and trying to get her to research the contacts I sent her, which she kept saying, who is that, I don’t know who that is.

I state: I did not have a wonderful life
Rachael: I never believed in fear
Me:I worked my ass off; I was rapped electroshocked, had my head shaved, was implanted.
Rachael: I am really a “force” which is the reason KISS fears me
Me: Fucked by my own brother who is head of MKULTRA; I worked 7 days a week for 600.00 a week.
Rachael: Well you’ve got to believe that you’re wiser and stronger because of these terrible things; You are, you are awakened.

Seriously who answers I was raped electroshocke had my head shaved was implanted and fucked by my brother with “you are wiser and stronger” what the hell.

Me: while John lived in a 10,500 square foot home booking Madonna.  It does not change what these people are

Here it comes:
Rachael: I was never conditioned.  My parents were anti establishment already telling me everything as a kid.

Really? Is that why you ran away and stayed at Norman Lear’s and your grandfather sold you?

Me: Hopefully thru your writing you will come to see what actually happened to you in your “wonderful life”.

Rachael has stated this over and over, as if she actually believes it.  Maybe I am talking to an alter; I do not know.

Rachael: I was trying to teach Ace how to de program so that he can reprogram and then Gene started to realize I was too much of a strong positive influence on Ace.

I am now aware either I am talking to an alter or she is simply entirely disassociated, or she is playing me. You cant DEPROGRAM ACE, you don't even know YOU ARE MKULTRA.

Rachael: Ace is weak, I’m stronger.

Me: Ace is a Satanist, a GAY FUCKER, Gene is a disgusting POS, again.

Rachael: Maybe so, and if he is than that’s even more stupid.

Stupid? We are talking about Satanists who rape and murder children and make them followers of Satan.

Me: This is your life.  I will never think of any of John’s bands as good people. They are Satanist baby rapers.  Nothing will change my mind

Rachael: Satanism is the silliest bullshit excuse for assholes to get away with the unspeakable that I’ve every heard because there is no such thing as a. Hooved monster with horns.

She obviously has not seen the photo of John where he has horns and writing on his forehead.  

Rachael: I will bitch slapp them all.

Me: (pissed) I KNOW the Satanic agenda. No, you are MISTAKEN. ITS EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL beyond recompense.  That’s the issue.  You think its silly, and now I am quite pissed off.

Rachael: So do I. Just for shits and giggles I read the Satanic bible as a teenager and its really not too intelligent or interesting.  It’s just based on “selfishness”

Me: (totally pissed) Just for shits..and giggles. Who exactly are you? Guess what

Rachael: Evil is a word derived from a religion I do not believe in. I don’t believe in demons or monsters; I most certainly believe in assholes.

Me: you said you don’t believe in Monsters.  THEY ARE THE MONSTERS. Again, what it it that you DO believe in?  Because this conversation is turning really bad.  You obviously either agree with Satanic sacrifice

Rachael: If Gene were here right now I would take his wallet and slap him in the face with it and say “think fast” The guy molested me.  He’s just a greedy, desperate stupid fool.

Me: or dismissing it.  Ok.

Rachael: Hell no!

Me: So its about money.  I am REALLY PISSED right now.

Rachael: I’m going to make sure their nuts are dragged across hot coals.

Me: So I am going to stop talking.

I walked away, fuming.  I blocked Rachael for the second time and then I had to go back to the people I thought she was going to disclose to and say I am sorry, she’s all about money.  She is selling Ace’s memorabilia.  No one I know wants to buy Satanic shit unless they are wealthy and they want to buy it to BURN it.

I unblock Rachael.  

Me: As I said when I first blocked you, I will be shouting you out as a money grubbing Satanist.  Hope you, John, Ace and Bastard Gene had a good Time fucking with me.  DON’T EVER CONTACT ME AGAIN Rachael.  ENJOY your LIVING piece of shit DEMON SATANIST PEDO FRIENDS. THERE ARE DEMONS and apparently you are one of them.  NO ONE IS THAT STUPID - oh wait, I guess YOU ARE, bucking for High Priestess?  TELL GENE AND ASSHOLE ACE Penny L.A. Shepard said KISS MY ASS; Tell Mossad GENE to tell Johnny Boy the flames of hell are lickin his PEDO HEELS.  Hope you got your Illuminati points from your phone call. GUESS WHAT WENCH I DO BELIEVE IN JESUS; so fuck off right now.


The following is a republishing of an article written by Mike Adams Regarding the planned CCP insurgence coordinated TET offensive against America: 


Posted by NC Scout | Aug 10, 2020 | Guest Authors, News and Links | 81  |     

Antifa terrorist groups in Austin, Texas and Portland, Oregon have received a large cache of weapons that are being handed to them in preparation for a coordinated, multi-city uprising. Dubbed the “TET Offensive” by Dave Hodges (The Commonsense Show), this planned multi-city attack looks likely to take place before the coming election, as anti-American forces now realize Joe Biden cannot win. So their new goal is to unleash so much chaos across America that elections must be suspended, allowing the Marxist media to roll out its “Trump is a dictator” narrative.

This new delivery of weapons to Antifa forces on or around August 9th has been confirmed by reliable sources. It is consistent with previous announcements by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) describing government seizures of full-auto weapons parts and illegal suppressors that were intercepted during shipment from communist China to several U.S. cities, including Detroit MI, Louisville KY, and Melbourne FL.

Here’s a photo of one of the recent CBP seizures of full-auto weapons parts that turn AR-15s into military-grade battle rifles.

Natural News previously reported that the corrupt government of California was storing weapons for Antifa terrorists in the East End Complex Capitol building in Sacramento, at Block 174. This is all part of a criminal scheme by treasonous Gov. Newsom to arm terrorists as part of an uprising against the United States of America, during which California plans to secede from the union and join communist China, allowing China to install nuclear weapons on U.S. soil and establish a beachhead for a land invasion of the continental USA.

In addition, Natural News has reported on U.S. government agents intercepting illegals weapons parts shipments into other U.S. cities, unveiling a massive weapons trafficking operation that combines U.S. corporation money with China-based weapons smuggling to provide military-grade weapons upgrades to radical left-wing terrorists such as Antifa and BLM. As reported on July 15, 2020:

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have seized an operation in Detroit that smuggle suppressors (silencers) into the United States from China, also for the purpose of arming Black Lives Matter militant extremists… more than 350 suppressors seized by law enforcement across the county were purchased from the website and smuggled into the United States from China as automotive parts.


Why so many battlefield weapons? Because Antifa and BLM aren’t “peaceful protesters;” they’re radical revolutionary groups that plan to carry out mass killings to achieve their political goals of overthrowing the United States of America. Matt Bracken at writes that Antifa and BLM are simply cover names for the real organization behind all this: The “Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA,” which has long planned a guerrilla warfare urban uprising in an attempt to overthrow the United States of America.

In fact, US Attorney General William Barr is now describing these radical left-wing terrorist forces as a new form of “urban guerrilla warfare.” Via Fox News:

“They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism. They’re essentially Bolsheviks. Their tactics are fascistic… The way the guerrilla…hides out among the people as a fish in the ocean…what they do is they are essentially shielding themselves or shrouding themselves in First Amendment activity.”

What Barr isn’t yet talking about publicly is how Antifa and BLM have standing orders to launch a massive, multi-city assault on police and innocent civilians in order to terrorize Americans and spark a shooting response from pro-America forces.

As we have previously reported, reliable intel reveals that Black Lives Matter terror cells are going to carry out “armed flash mob” killing sprees, using weapons purchased from the hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate donations that have been funneled to the terrorist group via the Black Lives Matter media propaganda. These armed flash mob killings appear to be imminent.


Just last week, Infowars acquired a leaked Austin Police Department memo that described Antifa’s plan of placing snipers on rooftops around the city of Austin, then opening fire on police officers and innocent civilians. Antifa terrorists were also, according to the leaked memo, planning on burning down the Austin PD headquarters building, most likely with police officers trapped inside (this has become a favorite tactic of Antifa terrorists in Portland).

We are aware that both Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists are being heavily armed by communist China as well as hundreds of U.S. corporations that are funneling financial support into BLM-linked money laundering operations that use the funds to purchase illegal weapons. There are at least 269 U.S. corporations involved in this money laundering / weapons trafficking operation. You can see them all listed here.

They include corporations such as Google, Apple, Netflix, Facebook, Amazon and many others you would recognize. Nearly every big tech corporation you can think of is actively engaged in financially supporting terrorism in America. They don’t even try to hide it. They brag about it. The NBA paints terrorist slogans on its basketball courts, and the NFL has essentially handed over its entire existence to BLM terrorists.

Through Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists, these corporations are waging an all-out war against the United States of America, openly pursuing acts of sedition and treason against this nation while knowingly arming terror cells that are so violent and murderous that even left-wing mayors (like Ted Wheeler of Portland) are decrying their acts of attempted murder.

Their donations help fund weapons procurement from communist China, smuggling in full-auto weapons upgrades and illegal silencers / suppressors which will allow radical left-wing terrorists to operate with some degree of stealth as they carry out prearranged execution “hits” on police officers at their private homes. In preparation for the “TET offensive,” a nationwide “kill police” list has been assembled spanning at least the last six months, consisting of names and home addresses of police officers, sheriff’s deputies and, where possible, federal law enforcement agents.

We have also learned over the last few weeks that Antifa has recruited UPS drivers to snap photos of delivery address tags of residential packages suspected of containing ammunition or gun parts. Antifa organizers are using these photos to assemble “hit lists” of private residential homes to assault in order to acquire new supplies of firearms and ammunition.

We have also confirmed that Palmetto State Armory, one of the nation’s largest shippers of firearms parts, is now covering their cardboard boxes with plain white wrapping in order to conceal their own retail name, most likely because UPS employees are also stealing firearms parts from PSA and similar retailers. The ATF has made several arrests in the last few months of UPS employees stealing firearms during shipment.


The upshot of all this is that America’s patriots, police and federal law enforcement officials need to immediately upgrade your threat assessment of left-wing terror cells. The very same groups that are currently throwing bricks and fireworks will soon be rolling out full-auto weapons, long-range sniper rifles and coordinated laser attacks that can blind law enforcement officials in mere seconds.

We are currently recommending all law enforcement acquire and wear laser protective glasses that not only block green lasers in the 532 nm range but also consider blocking other wavelengths that might be deployed by left-wing terrorist forces, using Chinese-manufactured laser devices.

Most police in America are complete unprepared to engage full-auto rifle fire from determined, organized revolutionary forces. The police will be out-gunned and rendered ineffective in mere minutes, especially given that most police departments answer to treasonous Democrat mayors who are ordering them to carry very little ammunition, while limiting their weaponry to pistols. We hate to point out the obvious, but semi-auto 9mm handguns won’t do you much good against full-auto 7.62×39 enemy AK rifles. Police forces have been deliberately weakened by Democrat mayors as part of their coordinated acts of treason against America.

Only police SWAT teams have any chance at engaging left-wing revolutionary forces, but SWAT teams are very few in number, and they aren’t used to be out-numbered by highly maneuverable enemy forces that can flank them. Your average SWAT shooter has never been flanked and threatened from the rear, for starters. They have only operated from the context of presenting overwhelming force, so they are unfamiliar with dynamic battlefields unless they have previous military combat experience.

As a result, once the left-wing uprising begins, most city-based law enforcement forces will be slaughtered within hours. Many cities across America will be seized by left-wing revolutionary forces. CHAZ / CHOP was a dry run for this exact scenario. And what they learned from CHAZ was that there will be near-zero resistance in liberal cities, as woketard liberals still think communism is friendly and Marxism is “justice.”

The only resistance against this is going to come from armed citizens and organized militia groups, given that the National Guard will also be largely useless, since treasonous Democrat governors will be siding with the terrorists and order Guard troops to stand down.

This means every American citizen who owns a firearm needs to be prepared to engage in real-world battle with revolutionary left-wing forces who will be wielding full-auto weapons with ballistic gear, radio communications and drone support.


This is why we have been warning everyone across America to arm up and get training. Join a local militia. Buy hunting ammo and powerful hunting-class rifles such as 300 Win Mag rifles. Learn long-range shooting because the key advantage will be found in out-ranging the enemy. Learn how to engage them at 500 – 1000 yard ranges, which is typically far outside their close combat capabilities.

Understand that left-wing terrorists will seize all the major cities, and it is patriots will find themselves fighting guerrilla-style campaigns to try to slow and disrupt the enemy long enough for the U.S. military to arrive.

Naturally, President Trump will be forced to deploy the military to try to retake U.S. cities. This is when China, the Mexican narcos and the United Nations will all deploy combative forces on U.S. soil in an attempt to occupy and control key strategic points such as airports, roadways, ports, bridges, oil refineries, power grid assets and so on. Large armored vehicles will move into the U.S. from the Southern border, and we’ve been previously told that Antifa has also managed to steal a certain number of mine-resistant armored personnel carriers in California.

As U.S. military forces will be spread very thin, this battle is going to come down to U.S. patriots, veterans, organized militia and civilians taking up arms and eliminating all enemies of America. It is the nearly 500 million guns in the hands of NRA members, hunters and Second Amendment supporters that’s going to make the difference in this coming war.

Gather up all the guns and ammo you can find right now. Acquire good optics for long-range shooting. (I like the Tremor2 reticle from Horus Vision.) Get your dope sheets ready. Measure your muzzle velocities and run ballistics range cards in advance. Use expanding tip hunting rounds from reliable bullet manufacturers such as Hornady or Berger. Pick a bullet grain and stick with it for your entire ammo supply in that caliber so that you have the same dope for all your rounds.

Ask God to give you strength and courage because you are going to have to defeat large numbers of human beings who are enemies to this nation. There is no room for hesitation or fear. You have a job to do, and that job, once the left-wing terrorists launch their “TET offensive” against America, is to put high-velocity lead through the chest cavities of as many enemy combatants as possible, with the greatest efficiency and accuracy possible. We do not condone initiating violence, but once the left-wing terrorists launch their offensive against America, you must respond to their treason with aggression and ruthlessness.

You will need to join with other locals to sabotage the enemy’s supply lines. Harass their vehicle convoys. Shut down their power grids. Deprive them of food, water and communications lines. If you can delay and harass them for long enough, the U.S. military will eventually get to your position and render aid in the form of air power, artillery and land warfare vehicles such as tanks and humvees. But don’t expect them on day one. It’s going to be your job to hold your city, your state and your nation until the professional soldiers arrive. Fight like you’re a citizen of Stalingrad in World War II, facing the entire German 6th Army. Fight for your life, or you will lose it. (The German 6th Army was eventually surrounded, cut off from supplies and defeated.)

Get ready, America. The battle is coming to your doorstep. The radical Left will unleash blood in your streets, and they will seize your cities, towns and communities if you let them. They are arming up for it right now, and the left-wing media narrative is setting the stage to justify their actions by calling them “peaceful.”

“Red Dawn” is about to become a reality. Learn to fight like your life depends on it, because it does. Your entire future depends on it. Engage the enemy without mercy, for they are being armed and activated to mass murder as many patriots, police officers, military veterans, Christians, Trump supporters, gun owners and White people as possible. If you do not find the courage to stand against them and defeat them in defense of your nation, you will be overrun, then raped, looted and murdered by these radical left-wing revolutionary forces.

Remember: These are people who mass murder their own babies and then celebrate it as “women’s rights.” These are people who mutilate the genitals of their own children and call it “LGBT progressivism.” They will think nothing of killing you. They actually experience joy from the mutilation and murder of human beings. They are demonic creatures who have long since abandoned any shred of humanity. Remember this when the day comes that you must shoot them in defense of your nation. They aren’t human.

Learn how to get ready. I’ve posted a free nine-hour audiobook called the Global Reset Survival Guide. You can download it for free right now at

In that book, I give specific recommendations on firearms, night vision gear, red dot sights, chest rigs, ballistic protection equipment, strategic bugout locations and much more. This information is dedicated to America’s patriots, veterans and law enforcement officers. That’s why I’m distributing these files at no charge.

Get informed. Get ready. They are going to launch an uprising against this nation. And while God may help you, God also wants you to fight for your country in every way you can. Pray to God and pass the ammo, in other words.


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