SEE ME NOW: Agent X:11
PROJECT: Genesis
Stranger Things/Eleven
(ELAH) Evolutionary Life Above Human (a phrase coined by Heavensgate cult)
July 28, 2018
I would like to dedicate this book to those MKULTRAs who have endured incredible abuse and who have survived their “training” to reach this unbelievable time of awareness. I further dedicate this book to the Truth Tellers who reside on earth and in this galaxy. The veil is being lifted from the eyes of the people who reside on this earth, who have been sleeping. Millions are being awakened to the lies of their world and are questioning what is truth. They are fed up with the evil perpetrated against children and humans and are “outing evil”, naming it where they see it.
Introduction Restatement
While most of this book will address the MKULTRA-MONARCH Programs, it will also address the myriad of CIA black ops that were given up due to FOIA. I will attempt to address my erased life, my shadow memories, who I thought I was, who I know I was, and who I am now. I will address all the things that I encounter in my research, including but not limited to:
CIA black ops and structure, Secret Space Program, Super Soldiers, NSA, NASA, and Conspiracy for Silence, Extra Terrestrial Presence and WARS, DUMBS, SkinWalker Ranch, Bradford Ranch, Langley, Montauk and Time Travel Experiments, Time Travelers, Alien Abductions, Missing time, UFO sightings, and Military Craft, Advanced Technology, MKULTRA umbrellaed projects, The Government of Defense, Space Alliance, Sphere Beings and Council, Universal galactic Law, Fairies, Vampires, Zombies, UFO’s, Military Craft, Life on other Planets, Alien Agenda, Illuminati, Greys, Reptilians, Dragos, Tall Whites, Blue Avians, Species other than Human, Alien Hybrids, Clones, Dimensional Beings and Realities, Man Made Weather, Agenda 21, FEMA, WHO, UN, NWO, Illuminati, Television is a hypnotic subliminal message machine bent on making you ill, Movies are Real, CERN, Politics, TIME, Science and Medicine are lies, Entertainment, Genesis, Genealogy, History, WAR, the Bible is True, the Bible has been manipulated by man, Satanic Pastors, Satanic Super Soliders, Religion is a construct aimed at imprisonment and making money, Ancient Aliens, bio warfare, Civil War, WWIII, Creation of the World, Cults, All Religions are false, Movies are Real Militarized Strategized Intel, Military Industrial Entertainment Complex, Shadow Government, Deep State, will be amongst the many topics I will address.
Those who have eyes to SEE and ears to hear, will realize the truth when it resonates in their hearts. I have nothing to prove to anyone. This is a recounting of my life, as best as I can ascertain it.
As I encounter and uncover the truth, I will attempt to present it to you, unvarnished. If I made a mistake in judgement or in facts I will be updating my chapters as I discover new evidence, and refute old evidence that colored my opinion. We grow and change as we research to discern the truth.
Chapter One
We are, as a world, becoming aware of the sex trafficking and slavery of children, rampant child pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), which has been ongoing on our planet, since the beginning of time. Many like Cathy O’Brien have shouted out about these acts, revealing Pizzagate and the people who are involved in pedophilia and MKULTRA. Names like the Clintons, Obamas are bandied about with allegations that they sacrifice and EAT children. There is a rumor that there is a Dark Web video circulating that was found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, where his wife, Huma, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, and Hillary are seen filleting the face of a small child, terrorizing her and then wearing her face over theirs. The purpose was to engender abject terror in the child which would force the brain of the dying child to secrete the most adrenaline possible into the body. After the death, the body is used to eat and the blood is used to prepare a drink called adrenachrome. There are allegations that the Clintons and Obama are actually Reptilian shapeshifters, who appear as human.
MKULTRA, mind control, is a GLOBAL Agenda. It is the root behind all sex trafficking. We fight not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities. The people and entities involved in MKULTRA are Politicians, Presidents, Kings and Queens, Rothschilds and Rockefeller’s, Celebrities and corporations owned by Illuminati, and the 1% of this world, who assist in an Alien Agenda for our reigning government of ExtraTerrestrial counsel comprised of Greys and Reptilians, who are malevolent beings who have control over people, places, objects, gravity, dimensions, time and space. They mind control, abduct and enslave humans, use us as slave labor, genetic experiments, and are insistent upon worship and human sacrifice.
Back to Cathy O’Brien. Mark (Marquart) Ewing Phillips became Kathy O’Brien’s rescuer. Mark was a highly trained employee of the DOD, who admitted to being retired CIA. In September of 2022, I began working with David Zublick on the Dark Outpost as Executive Producer. I have worked with David as a guest since October of 2021. Being Executive Producer has availed me of the opportunity to interview guests, to share in discourse about their lives and my life, and our intersections. I began writing this blog when I was in the crazy house in 2017-2018. I had no funds and was unable to effectively research with the exception of limited internet. Working with the Amazing David Zublick has afforded me a great friend and brother in Christ, and the ability to meet and engage in discourse with some amazing individuals. In the past five years since I began working on this chapter I have come to learn different things. I used to believe everyone was evil, and once CIA always CIA.
Thanks to a friend who wanted to go thru each chapter in my book I am now revisiting those things I believed to be true, and rooting out the answers that I have been able to find while talking to the actual people I have written about. Mike Smith, Out of Shadows said not everyone is evil Penny. I agree. It is part of the healing process.
While I believed there is no such thing as retired CIA or NSA, and once you work for the agency, you always work for the agency, I now know there are good people who worked for the agency unaware of their dark agendas. Mark Phillips, Cathy O’Brien’s husband, stated that he was a subcontractor with “exposure to top super secret classified mind control research, restricted by law from revealing specific information pertaining to his employment.”
I now believe the following testimony of Ray Bolger, which I wrote about in this chapter, is a LIE and Ray Bolger was a PSYOP, as was the mysterious JANUS. This psyop is information on the web which when I was first investigating Cathy I found. It's purpose to mislead the public and discredit both Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien.
Ray sites a source named "Janus" who was an intuitive MKULTRA, who believed Mark to be a doctor. Ray states Mark told Janus she did not have implants (she says she did) and suggested in assisting her for regression. Ray says Mark was a highly skilled operative for the CIA, a scientist and doctor; more than likely a geneticist and surgeon. Ray said Mark was skilled in deflection and dissuasion and the art of lying and espionage, and that was probably MKULTRA as well.
Ray said Mark was on a radio interview KXNT in Las Vegas, with Cathy and he told a caller that Kissinger was not a pedophile, even though Janus had told Ray that she had been abused by Kissinger at Bohemian Grove several times. Ray said Mark told a caller that Casinos had no pedophile activity, diverting activity away from Las Vegas, the pedophile capital of the world. Ray said Mark served as a disinformation and information agent to the public.
What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet
Mark’s middle name is Ewing. I do not know why his middle name is Ewing, or who he was named after. The name Ewing- is a derivative of the name Ewen, it is Ewin- with a “G”. Owen is also a divergency of Ewen or Ewin. When I was trying to trace my own genealogy I pronounced names in German, with completely different spellings of the names, similes, sound like. People said how did you trace your family members if they were not exactly in the genealogical line. I said, I traced them from a photo my evil brother John, my handler, had on the web with Liza Minnelli.
I am not permitted to have photographs because I am a remote viewer. I see what people are saying in their minds in photographs. This photo was a bread crumb offered to me by my handler John. Look Penny, “Its Liza with a Z not Lisa with an S cuz Lisa with an S goes SSS not ZZZ, its Lie instead of Lee, simple as can be, simple as can be see Liza.”
I told people I traced some of the names, in my surrogate family on Geni, using it as a search engine. I said last names become first names, first names become last names and middle names become first or last names. I said look at grammas name and family friends names, because everybody slept with everybody; Everybody uses alias, and people are adopted. Names are changed to protect the guilty.
I now, as of Sept 2022, know that Mark Ewing Phillips was Cathy O'Brien's rescuer and a good man. Cathy states he was the love of her life. Cathy states he rescued her from being sex trafficked and rescued her daughter and deprogrammed her. He was an amazing man, and Cathy O'Brien is a totally amazing woman who I have come to love and admire.
Who ever Ray and Janus are, it is they who are the deceivers and a liars. Janus was a psyop to discredit Cathy and Mark.
DONALD EWEN CAMERON what’s in a name?
Donald Ewen Cameron was the President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) (1952-1953). He also established the Canadian Psychiatric Association (1958-1959), The American Psychopathological Association, (1963); The Society of Biological Psychiatry (1965) and the WORLD PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (1961-1965). He destroyed minds at the Allen Memorial Institute in Canada, destroyed minds in North and South America, destroyed minds in the UK and throughout the world, above ground and in deep underground military bases, funded by ELITE factions, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefeller's, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Tavistock, Freemasons, Illuminati, and the Vatican.
Donald Ewen Cameron was the driving force at every hospital and university who desired funding. He was the conductor of mind control under the auspices of the CIA, contrary to all allegations that he was not CIA. He was counselor to Presidents, Prime Minsters, Kings and Queens. Privy to all actions involving Military and ETS. He worked in conjunction with Vannevar Bush, an engineer, inventor and science administrator who during WWII headed the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) through which almost all of the wartime military R&D was carried out, including the initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project.
VANNEVAR BUSH was appointed to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the precursor to NASA, was chairman of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) and coordinated over 6,000 leading scientists. Additionally during the Roswell Incident he was given complete autonomy to guide the military and scientific community. No such authority has ever been given to non-military personnel in the history of our country. The outcome of Roswell was the CIA, the formation of the National Security Act (hence the National Security Agency) and the NACA, already in place, which became NASA 10 years later, all agencies created to ensure that the disclosure of the Alien Presence would be kept secret for eternity.
THE NAME GAME (what’s in a name)
It’s all in the name. Paperpaper clip changed names to protect the guilty, assigned names that could identify who you actually were i.e. Corry, means tip of the Spear, i.e. I believe Durrell is Albert Speer's son, Hitler's Minister of War; he looks like him. I was engaged to Durrell for five years; Durrell is played by Dr. Brenner in Stranger Things. Movies are Real. The characters are composites of many different real intel people.
When I started regaining my erased memories I outlined MY book which was to be a television series, for six months. It was first titled Salt Water Cowboy. I the retitled it Bradford and Valentine. I did backstories on everyone, I even did a backstory for the dog., a white shepherd named Cooper.
My lead character’s names are Brad Bradford and Thaddeus Jones, both FBI agents who grew up together, their families worked together. Thaddeus Jones is black. When I research Joseph Mengele, I found out his father was Carl Thaddeus Mengele, and he had a borther named after his father. We do not know a great deal about Karl Thaddeus Mengele. We do know that Joseph Menegel’s moniqer was the Angel of Death and he had a black heart. My evil brother John, who was my agent, is a construct of Joseph Mengele and one of many black popes.
I separated MY character into three characters because I had too much character for one character. MKULTRA’S are fragmented into a million alters, or characters, in order to run covert ops. I was an agent for my covert CIA family designated in the womb.
My three characters in my unpublished script were Lara Valentine, Faith Valentine and Chase Valentine, all sisters. Lara Valentine is a DEA agent who does not trust anyone. Her partner is a white Shepherd named Cooper who wears a vest because he doesn’t want to get shot. When I began writing I told James McDonald, MOB boss Pastor of Harvest Church in Elgin, I was going to write my life story. At some point, I decided I was too boring to write about, so I decided to write a tv series based upon Castle, Psyched and Lucifer; little did I know, all these characters are actually written about my evil family.
I wrote my characters researching them and writing backstories for them for six months. I researched everything. In March of 2017 I sent a chapter to James Patterson’s masterclass contest when I was in Branson. Then I began researching myself. I was told Patterson was CIA, which makes sense. Three Days of the Condor begins with the murder of all the agents in an office who were reading books to discern CIA intel codes. Dean Koontz in Eyes of Darkness wrote about Wuhan 400, and and a character George Alexander who is an amalgamation of George Bush and John B. Alexander, MKULTRA handlers, death dealers.
2016 October, John, Durrell and Tommy Smith were gangstalking me. My NSA bother Rob, targetted me in his home by screaming at me every day I was there. Raging at me for absolutely no reason. RAGE is a weapon. It causes you to “freeze” mentally. Engenders an inability to think, and gives rise to flight or fright syndrome. Creation of adrenochrome is thru torture and fear. My brother Rob began tell lies about me TO ME. Things I knew were not true. Rob is a GREAT Agent. He stayed at my brother David’s house spying on him and reporting back to Sam my second husband, Durrell and John. David was writing a book entitled the Whistleblower about the Vatican, Bush and my evil family. He threw Rob out of his house and told him if he ever came back he would kill him. Now I know why.
In October 2016, my collective family made me homeless. In 2017, I ardently began researching as to how I was erased. I found a video on William Cooper and he looked very familiar. I wanted to talk to him. I found out he was dead. I had already written my character Cooper. I realized I must have known Cooper. When I saw him he reminded me of John. He looked like him. I cried when I found out he was dead. He reminded me of John. Bill was military intel and Durrells age. I believe I slept with Bill in Arizona. Durrell was my agent and manager and he put me in a band called Big Business. I was the Big Business, a covert mind controlled agent who they would bring operatives in to sleep with and give me information which I would then relay back to my handlers. I gigged in Lake Havasu and all over Arizona in the 80s. I was erased a lot. Bill was a Shepherd, he actually had sheep on his ranch. He called people, Sheeple.
The reason that I mention my book is because when I drafted it I found out everyone in it was true. My character Brad Bradford has uncle name Sheriff. If my Mengele family knew Bush, which they do now, John has his photo with George Jr., they would say Sherff is coming over. A child were pronounce the name Sheriff, as I did in my book. The Sheriff in my book is Brad’s uncle.
John and Durrell use the aka Brad when they are interrogating people in the DUMBS. John sent me a Brad to sleep with. He was my nextdoor neighbor when I was married to Steve. I did not sleep with Brad when I was living with Steve Xenos; I was resent Brad, several times whrn I broke up with Steve.
When I was in Lake Havasu at Durrells house in Dec, 2016-Feb 2017, I showed my trailer for Bradford and Valentine to Durrell. I asked him to read it several times. He didn't want to. He read it once, because he knew I was getting my memories back. My memories ARE coming back. ALL of them under MKULTRA. Know this: there are no coincidences ever.
John writes on his website he has been in business for over 40 years. He states he started at W. R. Grace Company. I remember his office on Red Hill in Orange County; I remember going there, his desk, and nothing else after that.
Contrary to popular opinion, from what I have gleaned regarding genealogy, Vannevar Bush WAS related to George BUSH. If the BUSH family adopted George, then the BUSH name was intermingled genealogically with George. Paperclip rewrote genealogical history. Paperclip played scrabble with the names. Children of the Reich were adopted into families, Given entirely new dossier’s, some put into foster homes, names changed, forever to hide who their parents were, and hide their own genealogy from themselves.
It is alleged that George is actually a Scherff, Hitler’s cousin. I tend to agree with this proposition, as my family is Joseph Mengele.

The following is from an article written by Don Nicoloff, entitled George Bush Sr. (Scherf) IV Reich in the USA, about the death bed confession of Otto Skorzeny.
According to Otto Skorzeny, pictured is the Scherff family and a few friends (circa 1938). Holding "Mother" Scherff's hand at left is Martin Bormann. In front is Reinhardt Gehlen. In back is Joseph Mengele and to his right is Skorzeny as a young man.
At center right (in the German navy uniform) is George H. Scherff, Jr. and his father George H. Scherff, Sr. Bormann became Hitler's second in command. Reinhardt Gehlen was a chief SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany under Operation Paperclip.
Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard and SS spy/assassin who came to the U.S. after the war under Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and GHW Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles.
These guys were also part of CIA mind control experiments such as MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Joseph Mengele, the notoriously sadistic "Angel of Death" of Auschwitz, escaped Germany to South America after the war. George H. Scherff, Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as GHW Bush and George H. Scherff, Sr., was Nicola Tesla's "trusted assistant."
What you are about to read is another step beyond research pioneered in the early 90s by author/historian Webster Tarpley based largely on deathbed "clues" provided by former Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny and his box of photographs. Since Skorzeny's death in 1999, the various leads he provided have been followed up and tend to support what, at first blush, would appear to be the unbelievable rantings of an embittered old man.
What remains constant as we pore through publicly available official records, private correspondence, memoirs, newspaper articles, photos and other "clues" is that Bush family records (the ones that exist) are a puzzle palace of inconsistencies and curiosities.
Since it is a congressionally established fact that Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis during WWII, we can safely say that the Bush/Nazi connection existed.
The answers are not as literal as we would like them to be. But we have the testimony of Otto Skorzeny and his photos - especially the one above. So, here we go - the first installment of an investigation that points to a curious conclusion:
The "Bush" family
was created to destroy America.
It is alleged that George and his father came over from Germany and changed their family name thru paperclip. If George Bush took his name from the Bush family, he would have then been genealogically adopted into it.
Vannevar Bush was probably one of the most influential people on the planet. The name would have garnered extreme clout in America and throughout the world. When Scherf became a BUSH, it meant their genealogy is now mixed and the are related henceforth. ALL BUSHES are related genealogically. All Johnsons, Jonstens, Johnsens, Johnstons, are all sons of John. All MACS, are related. They all are from the Clan of Mac. McDonald are the Donald’s from the Mac clan.
The above photo circulating on the web is a photo with George Bush and my family Joseph Mengele, in Germany. The alleged family name in German is Scherff, Hitlers, Cousin. Do I believe this connection is true? Absolutely. I was raised by Hitlers, Eichmans, Mengeles and Speers.
In Hoax of the Century further examination of the Bush Scherf connection is noted by John Carlson:
Back to Donald Ewen Cameron. Ewen, was authorized with impunity to engage in the development of the "system" of mind control and creation of the policies and procedures manual, for the creation, implementation and maintenance of the Super Soldiers Program (SS) and all facets pertaining to training in deep underground military bases; the assimilation and integration of Super Soldiers into society, creation of contingency plans for framing, drugging, assassination of character, PsyOps, imprisoning in mental institutions, hospitals and prisons, stripping of all finances and property, taking of all personal effects and the development instructions for SS maintenance upon planet earth, by family, military, NSA, CIA and NASA and their enlistment in the Secret Space Program (SSP) on earth and as a fighting force on other planets.
Ewen was President of the committee who established the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Health (DSM), that which we currently bill psychiatric maladies from. His specialty was brainwashing, and breaking minds under absolute mind control, and then assigning mental "titles" to disparage the reputations of his MKULTRA victims, to permit further experimentation on our military soldiers in war and our paramilitary forces. He was instrumental in the development of a system, which funneled funding for all black ops for legitimate and thru non legitimate businesses, and the creation a chit system of payment for studies undertaken under MKULTRA. He worked in conjunction with Stanislavsky, who for forty years developed, "the System" or "Method Acting" which was actually Russian mind control, funded by Lenin and the worlds finest minds.
Ewen’s DSM umbrellaed the manufacture of dangerous addicting pharmaceuticals, which would involve the addiction and poisoning of its citizens. In conjunction with CDC, created in 1946, the year of Roswell and the CIA, NSA and NASA, the agenda of the CDC was to put forth viral components for bio warfare purposes and purposes of murdering the world; the agenda of the AMA was similar. It was not to be helpful to man, but was another money making proposition to kill man.
Pharmaceuticals were created to engender dissociative states for further drugging for compliance and programing of the MKULTRAs. During WWII, scientists discovered that there was a byproduct from the production of aluminum and steel in the manufacturing of planes, cars and military craft. It then provided for the hiding of this dangerous byproduct Fluoride, by providing contracts to the AMA and the ADA. The decision was made to dispose of Fluoride in the livers of humans through injection of Fluoridation in the water under the auspices that it would improve dental hygiene, which it does not, it causes bone cancer in humans. Fluoride is still in water systems throughout the world, given in dental treatments and injected into tooth paste. The disclaimer on the toothpaste states, do not swallow, Fluoride can be poisonous if ingested. THE AMA was given contracts to dispose of Fluoride in pharmaceuticals, so the pharmaceutical corporations then put Fluoride, a know poison, in 25% of the antipsychotics and in drugs such as Prozac, which is 100% fluoxetine. Prozac was found in the system of every single school shooter.
Every action taken on this planet is to continue perpetrating this hoax of making money through "fixing the mind and body" when in fact, doctors are poisoning bodies and breaking minds, implanting babies at birth with microchips. Ewen's agenda was always to aid and abet the production of Super Soldiers for enslavement by man and ET factions.
Who Mark Ewing Phillips, was named after I do not know; Cathy O'Brien knows.
Mark achieved an education in mind control under the deep state CIA.
Here is Mark's Bio as listed on
My name is Marquart (Mark) Ewing Phillips, born May 17, 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee. I have no criminal record and I have never been adjudged insane. I am not a scholar, professional writer, or mental health physician, While I lack the official published academic credentials, I am recognized internationally by mental health and law enforcement professionals as an authority on the secret science concerning external control of the mind.
This brief and highly condensed biography is intended to provide an understanding of why, when, and were I embarked on a study of the most secret technology known to man: Trauma-based mind control. Through the publication of declassified United States Government documents, our US Department of Defense (DOD) admits that this ancient wizard’s mechanism for control is so dangerous that most information pertaining to it must remain classified as TOP SECRET. As the employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research, I was required to sign an oath of secrecy. To this day I am restricted by law from revealing certain specific information that directly pertained to my employment as, among other “sensitive” exposures, a US DOD subcontractor in mind-control research.
This super secret technology is an evolved system of remote human physical and psychological manipulation that has only recently been officially recognized by accredited mental health physicians for what it is: absolute mind control.
My first encounter with mind control research began in the late 1960’s in Atlanta, Georgia on the Emory University campus at the Yerkes Primate Center. It was there I learned about primate behavior modification–the basis for human mind control. This information would prepare me for the challenge of a lifetime.
What I witnessed in terms of technology at the Yerkes Primate Center and other government sponsored research facilities, combined with years of personal research into this science of mind manipulation, did not adequately prepare me for what I would be exposed to in 1988 through an unexpected chain of events. This exposure came in the form of a personal acquaintance with the human result officially entitled by DOD as, among other cryptic titles, MK Ultra.
I have outlined this biography in hopes that the material provided by one MK Ultra survivor, Cathy O’Brien, will incite a legitimate federal investigation of her claims.
I was able to liberate MK Ultra victims Cathy O’Brien and her daughter, Kelly, from the invisible grip of the US Government secret weapon of control. In the process, I also helped Cathy reclaim her mental and physical health. However, I have not been successful in enlisting the cooperation of my government to pursue the justice issue. There is a reason for this failure to obtain justice that you, the reader, NEED TO KNOW. I have been told repeatedly “Justice is not obtainable for Reasons of National Security.”.
I cite the example of Cathy O'Brien, because she was so strong that I now believe it was God who sent her the most talented mind control expert in the world to deprogram her because it certainly was a miracle..
She and Mark "fell in love" and were married. They wrote books together and toured, while he continued to delicately deprogram her for years: the layers of torture since she was a child needed to be unlayered and discovered.
Did the CABAL permitted Mark to aid in the revelation of Kathy's story of the heinous acts of mind control and human enslavement that were perpetrated upon her by our government, or was it God?
Mark disseminated information revealing the actual shadow perpetrators, while most of America, including myself, were asleep. Nothing is done without permission, of that I am certain. The satanic CABAL let’s the story be told, allows leaks information, or is it that it cannot be stopped because it is God who permits it to be uncovered?
These acts of murder, enslavement, mind control and torture have always been perpetrated by those who we now see are our closest family, co-workers, government and our treasured media heroes. In all revelations, however, no one mentions the connection with ETs, because the secrecy which Mark was bound to, was to ensure, that MAN, and SELECTED perpetrators were not to be revealed in all their evilness and complicitness, nor were the ET factions involved; the very black entities who gave us this mind control tech in the various treatises we made with them throughout our history as a planet.
After revealing Cathy O’Brien to the public, writing books with her, touring with Cathy, Mark has since died. I am still presently investigating Cathy's story because it pertains to me and to many millions of others. I know she is telling the truth.
I thank Emily Menshouse WTFrick Podcast for making me go back and review this chapter-- I was so wrong about so many things..
Most recently I had an opportunity to talk with Cathy O'Brien on the Dark Outpost. I thank God for David Zublick who asked me to be his executive producer. The opportunity avails me to actually ask people who they are- and finally get the truth.
Cathy is an amazing person filled with so much love; she melted my heart. I am still reading her book, and finding out more about the people she was sold to. I am one year younger than Cathy.
I was tortured SRAEd and erased for 58 years. I am still searching for answers, that many other people have already figured out in their lives. I love talking to people and sharing in their life stories, as it adds to my erased life and wealth of information..I thank each and every one who has come into my life in the spirit of truth, and am sure I will be reediting chapters as I get more information.
I don't always get it right. When I get it wrong, I admit it, and I try to fix it. This is the journey.
Thank you to my very good friend the Amazing David Zublick, without you, I would not be able to talk to such awesome people and obtain the unadulterated truth I am seeking.
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